The Samaritan Woman: John 4:1-26, 28-30, 39-45.
The Samaritan Woman is one of the “First Ladies” of Scripture. She was the first person to whom Jesus declared that He was the Messiah. The story of the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan is familiar – let us see if we can learn anything new to apply to life today.
If this is the first time you have worked on a STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Bible Study go back read the post of 4/20/2007 to understand this Bible Study technique.
Never use a paraphrase for Bible Study (Message, Living Bible etc…) It is strongly suggested that you use KJ, NKJ or NAS.
Why is a study of the Samaritan Woman important? What do you already know about her story?
Stop! Gather information. Read the story. Make a list of words that you need to research such as words that you do not understand, or even words that are of importance. (Just make the list, you will research in the LOOK! section.) For example: (1)Jesus speak about a gift that He can give to her. Research the word gift in Scripture. How many other times does Jesus use this word? (2) What is a Samaritan? (3) Where is Jacob’s well.
God explains things to us. Stop! Read the verses. Write out each of the verses that state “because” or “for,” "so that" etc....(when something means because.)
Stop! Read the verses again and pick one that summarizes the story of the Samaritan Woman.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - and
Monday, April 30, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
“Stop! Look! Listen” most of us heard this from our parents as they taught us about crossing a busy street. I have adapted it to remember the basic steps of an in-depth Bible Study.
First of all, “Bible Study” is just that – study. It is not just reading through a passage or a daily devotional. “Study” has been defined as the act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding (Websters NewWorld Dictionary, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall, New York, 1986). This is a Bible Study blog.
Use a translation that is as close to the original language as possible. Do not use a paraphrase such as the Message or Living Bible. These are wonderful translations and very worthy of reading - but not for study. Use one of the translations that Bible scholars most often recommend : KJV, NKJ or NAS
A summary of the Stop! Look! Listen! technique.
1. Stop! Come to a halt and look around! Read it slowly as a general overview.
2. Stop! Identify any words/concepts that you might not understand. For instance, geography, do you know where Capernaum is located? What is a Pharisee? Who are the Caratites? Many times we quickly read over words that we do not really understand. At this step just identify these words/concepts. Make a written list. You cannot study without pen and paper in hand.
3. Stop! Read it a second time.
4. Look! Pay attention. Focus in on what is important. Look at what Scripture says. Anything that is not Scripture can be error. The main focus of Bible Study is….the Bible. Commentaries, footnotes and study notes are man-made and may contain error.
5. Look Left! Study what comes before this event that might influence the story.
6. Look Right! Study what comes after this event. How did this story and characters influence the future? Write down your answers.
7. Look! Scan the horizon. This means to identify and research the geographical locations. Geography must be important to God because He mentions it so often.
8. Look! Research all that you really do not understand (see the list you made in Step 2). Write! Write! Write!
9. Listen! Read it again.
10. Listen! Apply what you have learned to your life. Your walk (off the curb and across the street) is directed by what you have learned by Stop! Look! Listen! Perhaps you will hesitate. Perhaps you will run. Perhaps you will turn in a different direction. You are on the curb and must do something. You study the Word of God to change into more of what He wants you to be. Listen to what God is saying to you and apply it to your life – today.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - and
First of all, “Bible Study” is just that – study. It is not just reading through a passage or a daily devotional. “Study” has been defined as the act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding (Websters NewWorld Dictionary, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall, New York, 1986). This is a Bible Study blog.
Use a translation that is as close to the original language as possible. Do not use a paraphrase such as the Message or Living Bible. These are wonderful translations and very worthy of reading - but not for study. Use one of the translations that Bible scholars most often recommend : KJV, NKJ or NAS
A summary of the Stop! Look! Listen! technique.
1. Stop! Come to a halt and look around! Read it slowly as a general overview.
2. Stop! Identify any words/concepts that you might not understand. For instance, geography, do you know where Capernaum is located? What is a Pharisee? Who are the Caratites? Many times we quickly read over words that we do not really understand. At this step just identify these words/concepts. Make a written list. You cannot study without pen and paper in hand.
3. Stop! Read it a second time.
4. Look! Pay attention. Focus in on what is important. Look at what Scripture says. Anything that is not Scripture can be error. The main focus of Bible Study is….the Bible. Commentaries, footnotes and study notes are man-made and may contain error.
5. Look Left! Study what comes before this event that might influence the story.
6. Look Right! Study what comes after this event. How did this story and characters influence the future? Write down your answers.
7. Look! Scan the horizon. This means to identify and research the geographical locations. Geography must be important to God because He mentions it so often.
8. Look! Research all that you really do not understand (see the list you made in Step 2). Write! Write! Write!
9. Listen! Read it again.
10. Listen! Apply what you have learned to your life. Your walk (off the curb and across the street) is directed by what you have learned by Stop! Look! Listen! Perhaps you will hesitate. Perhaps you will run. Perhaps you will turn in a different direction. You are on the curb and must do something. You study the Word of God to change into more of what He wants you to be. Listen to what God is saying to you and apply it to your life – today.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - and
Thursday, April 19, 2007

The answer to the quiz from yesterday:
Athaliah was the first Queen of Israel/Judah.
Anna was the first woman to recognize the infant as the Promised Messiah.
Hegar was the first single-mom.
Tamar was the first women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus.
The woman at the well was the first one to whom Jesus declared that He was the Messiah.
The daughter of Jairus was the first and only woman, that Jesus raised from death.
Deborah was the first female judge/government leader of Israel.
How did you do?
At the next posting we will begin the study of Hegar using my study technique of "Stop! Look! and Listen." Tomorrow will be an introduction to the technique.
Athaliah was the first Queen of Israel/Judah.
Anna was the first woman to recognize the infant as the Promised Messiah.
Hegar was the first single-mom.
Tamar was the first women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus.
The woman at the well was the first one to whom Jesus declared that He was the Messiah.
The daughter of Jairus was the first and only woman, that Jesus raised from death.
Deborah was the first female judge/government leader of Israel.
How did you do?
At the next posting we will begin the study of Hegar using my study technique of "Stop! Look! and Listen." Tomorrow will be an introduction to the technique.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Welcome to my blog! Coming soon will be Bible Studies for women using my technique called "Stop! Look! Listen!" Our first study will be "First Ladies of Scripture." As a teaser-quiz answer this question: Why are Athaliah, Anna, Hegar, Tamar, Woman at the Well, Daughter of Jairus, and Deborah called "First Ladies?" For instance, Hegar was the first single-mom.
Answers will be posted tomorrow.
Answers will be posted tomorrow.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - and
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