Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do I Need To Go To Show Up?

I often wonder why we are told by our church leaders that we must come to church. I know all the arguments for and against. I have lived in cities where it was difficult to find the right church....I have worked long hours and am tired on Sunday mornings...I 'dont like' those people...etc...

I also know all the arguments for why we must go to church...we can't really worship alone...cant worship on the golf course...and the verse in Scripture that says "Do not forsake the gathering together ...."

Following is a quote from a book I read this week that spoke to my heart - speaking about this issue...makes sense to me....

Pg 53…."if Israel entered into covenant relationship with Yahweh, Israel would pledge Himself to live from that time on as a community. God wished to make a covenant not with individuals but with a people, a people united by a common obedience to Him. There is no such thing in the Bible as a purely individual relationship to God, and those who would enter into covenant with the Lord must do so much as a part of His community. Only by sharing a common life with other believers could each Israelite serve His God. He could not ignore or hate his fellow and at the same time love His Lord.

…the basis of this community was not to be the will of man, but the transcendent will of God. God made the laws for communal life, He set up its structure, He ordered the relationship between members of society. The last six of the Ten Commandments therefore deal with relationship between men…and are seen as expressions of the will of God for His people. Only as far as God ruled over the communal life was it a true expression of his covenant will."

(The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith – 1962 Paul J. and Elizabeth Achtemeier – Fortress Press Philadelphia)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Can I Do to be Considered "Important?"

We see success- the rich and famous all around us. Some are in trouble, and some are being praised for their work, beauty, or just for being them. Do you ever wish you were "notable?"
Do you ever think that once you are gone from this earth that no one will remember you? Do you wish you could do something worthwhile that would make you worth remembering?

Elizabeth Taylor just died...she will be remembered for years to come because of who she was, and for her body of work in film. Micky Mantle, the star of the New York Yankees, has been dead for years, but will be remembered for another generation because of his body of work. I guess that for many of us, because of what we see in the news, and on TV we probably wish that we lived lives that would be considered 'important' or 'worth remembering'.

Today I read an article by J.Vernon McGee (even he is one of those peopel who will be remembered for years), but his comments made me think....in a nutshell...

The most important thing to be remembered for - the most important thing you can do in this life is....tell someone about the saving grace of Jesus. I think he is right. Is there anything more important?(Yes I know the ONE MOST IMPORTANT thing is that we be saved- you do that for yourself....)

Will you be remembered after you pass on - will you have made some mark on the life of at least one person by telling them about the saving grace of Jesus?

I think that is a great thought!!!

Even if I do not feel that I can actually 'tell' the story of Jesus - His life, death, burial and resurrection - and the salvation He offers....I can help someone else tell it! How much would you give to send someone on a mission trip (across town, or around the world) on a mission trip so that they can present the message of salvation?

If you can't go...can you give money (big money - that is right - not a little offering) to send someone to the 'mission field.'

Have you done that one, most important thing in life....to make your life worthwhile....tell someon about Jesus!!

(Thanks Dr. McGee for the thought!)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why Would God Take Away My.......

Looking around today we see so much economic, spititual, even health failure. So often we ask..."Why God, would You do this?"

God is sovereign and knows the reasons that everything happens. We do not. We trust in His choice. But....still we might ask..."Why?"

Why God do You take away my health?
Why God do You take away my job?
Why God do You take away my home?
Why God do You take away my car?....etc....

There are many reasons that things happen...Perhaps the loss falls into this catagory.......I must ask myself....

How did I use my health to honor God and advance His kingdom? Perhaps I didn't.
How did I use my job to honor God and advance His kingdom? Perhaps I didn't.
How did I use my home to honor God and advance His kingdom?Perhaps I didn't.
How did I use my car to honor God and advance His kingdom? Perhaps I didn't.
How did I use my "xyz' to honor God and advance His kingdom?Perhaps I didn't.

Perhaps God has a 'use it or lose it' attitude.

If God 'takes away' something - are we always being punished? What about...

How will the loss of my health bring someone else closer to God - to saving faith?
How will the loss of my home bring someone else closer to God-to saving faith?
How will the loss of my car bring someone else closer to God-to saving faith?
How will the loss of my car bring someone else closer to God-to saving faith?
How will the loss of my 'xyz' bring someone closer to God - to saving faith?

Just something to think about. God knows all the why's.....we don't have to know His plan....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Am I a "Productive" Christian?

I was reading an article by a writer who was trying to encourage the readers to get on with life - and DO SOMETHING. Meant as an build-me-up for people that are stuck in one stage of life, as I read it, I realized that the same theme could be modified for me in my own Christian walk.

This is what I came up with:

Serving the Lord – Am I “Productive?”
Scripture speaks about the life of a child of God - bearing fruit – being productive in some way for the Kingdom of God.

Being filled by the Holy Spirit, communing with God in prayer, and being obedient all guide us through life, but to a large extent we are still controllers of our own lives. We get to decide what “productivity” means to us and how we intend to shape our life. This productivity, or 'fruit' reflects the results of our Christian walk. Many of us have never sat down and thought about goals for our life...for our Christian walk. Ask yourself:

How do I define "productive Christian life"? What does a productive Christian life look and feel like? What does it accomplish? What are its "office hours" and Christian rhythms? What else, in addition to our Christian walk, happens in that life, and what is the work/life balance. Does being ‘productive’ change with age?

How am I “productive” today? What am I accomplishing that I value in my Christian walk? What skills and strategies, technologies and tools, attitudes and habits are making this possible? ? Does “productivity” mean – witnessing, reading/studying Scripture, being involved with some ministry? What else makes my life ‘productive’ for my Lord?

How do I intend to be more productive moving forward? What do I want to accomplish in my Christian life - both the big-picture over the long term, and the specifics of the immediate future? What skills and strategies, technologies and tools, attitudes and habits could make this possible? Is there additional knowledge that could help me become more productive as a Christian? Who am I?

I encourage you write out your answers and refer to them often. A “productivity blueprint” can help keep your eyes on the” prize set before you”, as we run the race that Paul spoke about.

This exercise was a great eye-opener for me.