Monday, October 25, 2010

Ephesians 1 and 2

We have been studying the book of Ephesians in Sunday School for the past few weeks.

My goal as a group leader is not to spoon-feed you all the information, but to teach you to dig deep and improve you Bible Study techniques. "Bible Study" is just that...STUDY. These additional notes on my blog for each lesson are for those who want to dig-deeper in study. Ephesians is a book full of much doctrine, much 'meat.'

It is a blessing to lead this group. I ahve often said, "How do you learn Scripture? - Teach Scripture." I am learning so much by preparing these lessons. Hope they will be of help to some of you.

Our first lesson this week will cover Eph. 1:1-14.
For this lesson read your student guide, read the verses, then answer these questions:
1. These verses are deep in theology. What do you need to reasearch for a greater understanding? Do you know what 'grace' means? What is the "mystery" that Paul writes about? Etc...
2. What is God trying to say to us in these verses?
3. What if these verses had been left out of recorded Scripture?
4. Read the verses as though Paul was speaking directly to you. What can you take from these verses to apply to your life today?

The Stop! Look! Listen! Bible Study Technique (This is the outline I use when i am studying) “Bible Study” is just that – study! It is not casual, recreational reading. Bible Study is hard work. We do not have to be Biblical scholars to find out the meaning of what God has to say to us. With help of the Holy Spirit, some time, a few study techniques, and diligence, even a layperson can understand Scripture. One simple method of personal Bible Study is the “Stop – Look – Listen” technique. Many of us grew up with our parents teaching us to “Stop-Look- Listen” as we cross a busy street. This little childhood phrase can guide our steps not only across the street, but in our personal Bible Study. It is easy to remember, and we can “take it” with us anywhere!

STOP! Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to the truths in His Word. Pray for no distractions or interruptions. Get your Bible. Make note of what Bible translation are you using? Why have you chosen this translation? ( I strongly recommend that you use KJ,NKJ, or NAS) Read the verses at one sitting (if possible). Slow down and look at each word. a. Mark or list any words you do not fully understand. (If you are using a KJV you might have a longer list because of the use of the old English language). Research these words using a Bible Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, or other resource. Do not study a commentary until your personal study is complete. b. Mark any words that are of interest to you. (I always mark “because” or “for” when it means because. I mark a “P” in the margin for anything that I think is Prophecy. I mark an “I” in the margin if I see any promises to Israel. What is of interest to you?) As you study the women of the Old Testament be sure to search a concordance to see if the woman is mentioned in the New Testament, and read those verses also.

LOOK! This section is where you will spend most of your study time. Read the verses again. If your study is one of the women of Scripture: list the men associated with her life, and note how they interact with her. Getting back to our basic technique….part of crossing the street is to “Look right! Look left!” Study the verses/chapters around this story. How to the preceding events affect this story? How does this story affect the events that follow? Also….”scan the horizon.” Identify where this story took place. Find it on a map. Geography is important. Note to whom God speaks. If this is a study about a person(s), what is recorded that they said? Last year I heard a very meaningful sermon on the very familiar verses of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…” Over the years you have heard these verses repeated. If these verses in Timothy are true, and they are, we should apply them to whatever we are reading in Scripture. ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…. a. doctrine(teaching), b. for reproof(rebuke, censure, conviction), c. for correction(correction of error), d. for instruction in righteousness(acting in accordance with Gods teachings), e. (so) that the man (or woman) of God, may be complete (having reached full maturation, competent, capable to meet all demands) , f. thoroughly equipped for every good work.’ ” What about the verses that you are studying now? What are they profitable for?

LISTEN! Read the verses one last time. What is God trying to teach us in these verses? What would we have missed if this story/ these verses had not been written? What can I apply to my life today? This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all! This is why we study! Pick out one verse and hand write it out. You might even memorize it.

LESSON 2 Ephesians Lesson 2 Eph. 1:15-23 The STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Study Technique The purpose of this blog is to add additional information to the study given us in our student book.(LifeWay....Explore the Bible for Sept 12, 2010 -God's Plan Involves Power) (For those who might wish to dig-deeper.)

The outline as given by Explore the Bible series for this lesson is:
I. Pray for Spiritual Insight vs 15-17
II. Expand your knowledge vs 18-19
III. Acknowledge Gods plan vs 20-23
Stop: Pray that God will open your eyes and heart to the truths He has for you. Read the verses very slowly noting any words/concepts that you do not understand, or those that might be of special interest to you (you will research these in the next section.) Review the lesson in your student book.

LOOK! Read the verses again. Research the list of words/concepts that you noted in the STOP! section. Review the previous verses in the chapter(1-14) to see how they connect with this passage. Look ahead to the next verses to see if the theme is continued. In verses 17-20 Paul is speaking of how he prays.. List the aspects(4) of the prayer…can we pray this for others today? Can we pray this for ourselves? Do we pray for spiritual insight? Do we expect spiritual insight? Do we acknowledge Gods power in our lives? Do we “know the exceeding greatness of His power toward us…”? Summarize the idea/theme of verses 15-23. Notice the words associated with power and strength. What about this power- how does it affect you, personally, today? (As a side study read Psalm 8.) Note that verses 20-23 begin to speak of spiritual warfare which will be further discussed in Chapter 6.

LISTEN! Read the verses again. The focus on this Lesson #2 is "The Reality of God's Power."

End this study with these questions:
1. What is God trying to say to us about His power?
2. What if these verses about the power of God had been left out of recorded Scripture?
3. How can you apply the knowledge of God's power to your daily life? 4.If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and this the day I will come to Jesus?.

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