I just finished watching a news program that spotlighted the granddaughter of the founder of the Boy Scouts. She has devoted her life to promoting, writing books about, and serving the Boy Scouts.
The other night on TV I was watching Judge Joe Brown. He brought up to the bench an 'expert' in....of all things ...fleas. This man was a world known 'expert' in fleas. He knew their life cycle, the anatomy, etc...
This has started me thinking..... People devote themselves to a variety of things. Their entire lives are focused on one thing. When they die, someone might remember them as "the flea guy' or 'the Boys Scout lady.' They spend millions of hours of their lives on one focus.
I am asking myself...and you... What have I focused my life on? In what am I an expert? What one thing have I spent millions (well, maybe thousands) of hours studying?
I also go back and think about this man and woman. They spent millions of hours on fleas and the Boy Scouts. Nothing is wrong with this. I love the Boy Scouts...and fleas have their place in the world. But..... how much time did they spend in Gods Word? Feeding the hungry? Giving shelter to the homeless? Praying?
When I die, how will I be remembered? "Oh yes...she was the XYZ lady."
How will people remember you?
When God sees you at the Judgment. What will He say...."Oh yes......you were the XYZ lady."
Something to think about.
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