Queen Athaliah –
One of the “first ladies” of Scripture
2 Kings 11; 2 Chron. 22:1-4, 10-12; 2 Chron. 23; 2 Kings 8:26
Deleted and updated ....see May 2010.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Vacation Time!
It is summer and time for all of us to hit the road. I will be gone until the 1st of July. Enjoy reviewing my other blogs: www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com, www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com. and www.jeannesant.blogspot.com.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Review of Technique
This is a great point to go back and review my Bible Study technique.
“Stop! Look! Listen” most of us heard as a child, from our parents as they taught us about crossing a busy street. I have adapted it to remember the basic steps of an in-depth Bible Study.
First of all, “Bible Study” is just that – study. It is not just reading through a passage or a daily devotional. “Study” has been defined as the act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding (Websters NewWorld Dictionary, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall, New York, 1986). This is a Bible Study blog.
Use a translation that is as close to the original language as possible. Do not use a paraphrase such as the Message or Living Bible. These are wonderful translations and very worthy of reading - but not for study. Use one of the translations that Bible scholars most often recommend : KJV, NKJ or NAS
A summary of the Stop! Look! Listen! technique.
1. Stop! Come to a halt and look around! Read it slowly as a general overview.
2. Stop! Identify any words/concepts that you might not understand. For instance, geography, do you know where Capernaum is located? What is a Pharisee? Who are the Caratites? Many times we quickly read over words that we do not really understand. At this step just identify these words/concepts. Make a written list. You cannot study without pen and paper in hand.
3. Stop! Read it a second time.
4. Look! Pay attention. Focus in on what is important. Look at what Scripture says. Anything that is not Scripture can be error. The main focus of Bible Study is…the Bible. Commentaries, footnotes and study notes are man-made and may contain error.
5. Look Left! Study what comes before this event that might influence the story.
6. Look Right! Study what comes after this event. How did this story and characters influence the future? Write down your answers.
7. Look! Scan the horizon. This means to identify and research the geographical locations. Geography must be important to God because He mentions it so often.
8. Look! Research all that you really do not understand (see the list you made in Step 2). Write! Write! Write!
9. Listen! Read it again.
10. Listen! Apply what you have learned to your life. Your walk (off the curb and across the street) is directed by what you have learned by Stop! Look! Listen! Perhaps you will hesitate. Perhaps you will run. Perhaps you will turn in a different direction. You are on the curb and must do something. You study the Word of God to change into more of what He wants you to be. Listen to what God is saying to you and apply it to your life – today.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
“Stop! Look! Listen” most of us heard as a child, from our parents as they taught us about crossing a busy street. I have adapted it to remember the basic steps of an in-depth Bible Study.
First of all, “Bible Study” is just that – study. It is not just reading through a passage or a daily devotional. “Study” has been defined as the act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding (Websters NewWorld Dictionary, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall, New York, 1986). This is a Bible Study blog.
Use a translation that is as close to the original language as possible. Do not use a paraphrase such as the Message or Living Bible. These are wonderful translations and very worthy of reading - but not for study. Use one of the translations that Bible scholars most often recommend : KJV, NKJ or NAS
A summary of the Stop! Look! Listen! technique.
1. Stop! Come to a halt and look around! Read it slowly as a general overview.
2. Stop! Identify any words/concepts that you might not understand. For instance, geography, do you know where Capernaum is located? What is a Pharisee? Who are the Caratites? Many times we quickly read over words that we do not really understand. At this step just identify these words/concepts. Make a written list. You cannot study without pen and paper in hand.
3. Stop! Read it a second time.
4. Look! Pay attention. Focus in on what is important. Look at what Scripture says. Anything that is not Scripture can be error. The main focus of Bible Study is…the Bible. Commentaries, footnotes and study notes are man-made and may contain error.
5. Look Left! Study what comes before this event that might influence the story.
6. Look Right! Study what comes after this event. How did this story and characters influence the future? Write down your answers.
7. Look! Scan the horizon. This means to identify and research the geographical locations. Geography must be important to God because He mentions it so often.
8. Look! Research all that you really do not understand (see the list you made in Step 2). Write! Write! Write!
9. Listen! Read it again.
10. Listen! Apply what you have learned to your life. Your walk (off the curb and across the street) is directed by what you have learned by Stop! Look! Listen! Perhaps you will hesitate. Perhaps you will run. Perhaps you will turn in a different direction. You are on the curb and must do something. You study the Word of God to change into more of what He wants you to be. Listen to what God is saying to you and apply it to your life – today.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
Thursday, May 17, 2007
For the "just for fun" section on Anna I thought about a modern day hymn that she might sing. The hymn by Charles Wesley: Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus seems to echo what Anna might have said:
Come thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free. From our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s Strength and Consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art. Dear Desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.
LOOK ! Each book of the Scripture, or section of Scripture has a key that is the cornerstone of what the author is trying to say. After reading Luke 2:36-38, write a key verse or phrase that gives an over-all theme for the story of Anna. Even in this short section there must be a phrase that is a summary.
LOOK! “Scan the horizon.” Where did this story take place? Find it on the map in a Bible Atlas, the back of most Bibles, etc… Do you know where Jerusalem and the Temple are located in Israel? Can you find Israel on a 2007 map?
LOOK! Spend time in this step to research and study what the verses are saying.
Read the verses again.
Return to the list of words and questions that you wrote in “STOP” section. Use a Bible Dictionary, Bible Encyclopedia, Commentaries, etc… research this list.Write down your findings. If you research the key words you will have great insight into these simple verses. How can you apply what you have learned to your life today?
Part of “LOOK” is to “Look right and look left” just as you were told as a child crossing a street. See what has happened before the story of Anna and then see what comes after the story of Anna.
a. Look left! Read Luke 1 and 2:1-35
b. Look right! Read Luke 2:39 – 3:38.
How do these verses impact your understanding of the story of Anna? Are they related in any way?
Continue to ask questions.
Again, why study Anna? Three little verses. Why is her story important? If Jesus said the every jot and tittle are important (Matthew 5;17-18), then the few short verses about Anna must be important. What is God trying to teach us?
LISTEN! as we come to the end of the study:
Scripture says "listen and obey." (Ps. 81: 8, 11,13; Jer:21)
Read Luke 2:36-38, God has spoken to you through the story of Anna – the first woman to see the Baby and recognize him as the Messiah. What did you learn from this study, and how are these words written so long ago applicable to your life today? Be specific. List three things that you learned, and/or can apply to your life today.
Come thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free. From our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s Strength and Consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art. Dear Desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.
LOOK ! Each book of the Scripture, or section of Scripture has a key that is the cornerstone of what the author is trying to say. After reading Luke 2:36-38, write a key verse or phrase that gives an over-all theme for the story of Anna. Even in this short section there must be a phrase that is a summary.
LOOK! “Scan the horizon.” Where did this story take place? Find it on the map in a Bible Atlas, the back of most Bibles, etc… Do you know where Jerusalem and the Temple are located in Israel? Can you find Israel on a 2007 map?
LOOK! Spend time in this step to research and study what the verses are saying.
Read the verses again.
Return to the list of words and questions that you wrote in “STOP” section. Use a Bible Dictionary, Bible Encyclopedia, Commentaries, etc… research this list.Write down your findings. If you research the key words you will have great insight into these simple verses. How can you apply what you have learned to your life today?
Part of “LOOK” is to “Look right and look left” just as you were told as a child crossing a street. See what has happened before the story of Anna and then see what comes after the story of Anna.
a. Look left! Read Luke 1 and 2:1-35
b. Look right! Read Luke 2:39 – 3:38.
How do these verses impact your understanding of the story of Anna? Are they related in any way?
Continue to ask questions.
Again, why study Anna? Three little verses. Why is her story important? If Jesus said the every jot and tittle are important (Matthew 5;17-18), then the few short verses about Anna must be important. What is God trying to teach us?
LISTEN! as we come to the end of the study:
Scripture says "listen and obey." (Ps. 81: 8, 11,13; Jer:21)
Read Luke 2:36-38, God has spoken to you through the story of Anna – the first woman to see the Baby and recognize him as the Messiah. What did you learn from this study, and how are these words written so long ago applicable to your life today? Be specific. List three things that you learned, and/or can apply to your life today.
Bible Study,
Holy Land,
Luke 2,
Women of Scripture
For the "just for fun" section on Anna I thought about a modern day hymn that she might sing. The hymn by Charles Wesley: Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus seems to echo what Anna might have said:
Come thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free. From our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s Strength and Consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art. Dear Desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.
LOOK ! Each book of the Scripture, or section of Scripture has a key that is the cornerstone of what the author is trying to say. After reading Luke 2:36-38, write a key verse or phrase that gives an over-all theme for the story of Anna. Even in this short section there must be a phrase that is a summary.
LOOK! “Scan the horizon.” Where did this story take place? Find it on the map in a Bible Atlas, the back of most Bibles, etc… Do you know where Jerusalem and the Temple are located in Israel? Can you find Israel on a 2007 map?
LOOK! Spend time in this step to research and study what the verses are saying.
Read the verses again.
Return to the list of words and questions that you wrote in “STOP” section. Use a Bible Dictionary, Bible Encyclopedia, Commentaries, etc… research this list.Write down your findings. If you research the key words you will have great insight into these simple verses. How can you apply what you have learned to your life today?
Part of “LOOK” is to “Look right and look left” just as you were told as a child crossing a street. See what has happened before the story of Anna and then see what comes after the story of Anna.
a. Look left! Read Luke 1 and 2:1-35
b. Look right! Read Luke 2:39 – 3:38.
How do these verses impact your understanding of the story of Anna? Are they related in any way?
Come thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free. From our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s Strength and Consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art. Dear Desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.
LOOK ! Each book of the Scripture, or section of Scripture has a key that is the cornerstone of what the author is trying to say. After reading Luke 2:36-38, write a key verse or phrase that gives an over-all theme for the story of Anna. Even in this short section there must be a phrase that is a summary.
LOOK! “Scan the horizon.” Where did this story take place? Find it on the map in a Bible Atlas, the back of most Bibles, etc… Do you know where Jerusalem and the Temple are located in Israel? Can you find Israel on a 2007 map?
LOOK! Spend time in this step to research and study what the verses are saying.
Read the verses again.
Return to the list of words and questions that you wrote in “STOP” section. Use a Bible Dictionary, Bible Encyclopedia, Commentaries, etc… research this list.Write down your findings. If you research the key words you will have great insight into these simple verses. How can you apply what you have learned to your life today?
Part of “LOOK” is to “Look right and look left” just as you were told as a child crossing a street. See what has happened before the story of Anna and then see what comes after the story of Anna.
a. Look left! Read Luke 1 and 2:1-35
b. Look right! Read Luke 2:39 – 3:38.
How do these verses impact your understanding of the story of Anna? Are they related in any way?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
ANNA - Part II
Many of the steps of this STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! study technique are aimed at getting you involved in the story and life of the person being studied. Personal involvement opens not only our mind, but our heart, to the subject being studied. As we study the women of Scripture I want them to be more than characters in a story, more than names and situations on paper. They were living, human beings used by God to fulfill His eternal purpose.
Get to know the “First Ladies.” Think about them in flesh and blood terms. What did she look like? How was she dressed? What was her voice like? Did she stand straight, or was she bent over? What might she and Simeon talked about at their next meeting?
Although I have not included it in my studies here on the blog, in my book I always include a “just for fun” section to encourage the reader to get involved with the woman.
Today’s exercise is to have fun. Get to know Anna through your imagination. Write a poem, song or short story about her. Perhaps write out a prayer of thanksgiving that Anna might have lifted up to God. Relax and think about Anna as a human being.
Have fun with this!
Get to know the “First Ladies.” Think about them in flesh and blood terms. What did she look like? How was she dressed? What was her voice like? Did she stand straight, or was she bent over? What might she and Simeon talked about at their next meeting?
Although I have not included it in my studies here on the blog, in my book I always include a “just for fun” section to encourage the reader to get involved with the woman.
Today’s exercise is to have fun. Get to know Anna through your imagination. Write a poem, song or short story about her. Perhaps write out a prayer of thanksgiving that Anna might have lifted up to God. Relax and think about Anna as a human being.
Have fun with this!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
ANNA - Part I
Anna - A “First Ladies” of Scripture
Luke 2:36-38
Anna is one of the “first ladies” of Scripture. She is the first recorded woman to see the Baby, and to recognize who He was. Only three short verses speak of Anna, yet God has given us her story for a reason. Let us begin our study of this very interesting woman.
STOP! (Return to the post for April 20 to read an introduction to this technique.)
1. Stop and ask yourself, “Why am I studying Anna?” What do you already know about Anna?
2. Gather information. Read Luke 2:26-38, the story of Anna, several times.
3.Start a list of key words, repeated words or concepts you might not understand in these verses. In order to fully understand the story of Anna you must dig-deep. Do not research these yet(You will research in the LOOK section). Despite the fact that this is just three short verses there are key words/concepts that may need more research:
Here is an example- you might list these (are there more?)
a. Anna(is she mentioned in any other books of the Bible?)
b. “There was also a prophetess” (What is a Prophetess? A prophetess is one who speaks to the people for God.)
c. “Anna, a daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher”(What was the tribe of Asher?)
d. “She was well along in years, having lived with her husband seven years after her marriage”God mentions not only marriage, but age. Why is this important?)
e. “and was a widow for 84 years”(What about widowhood?)
f. “She did not leave the temple complex"(Where did she live? What about the temple complex?)
g. “ serving God night and day with fastings and prayers”(What is Fasting? Why is prayer mentioned?)
h. “At that very moment, she came up and began to thank God”(giving thanks must be important.)
i. “and to speak about Him to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.”(What does this mean? What is the redemption of Jerusalem”?
j. Add any additional to your own list:
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
Luke 2:36-38
Anna is one of the “first ladies” of Scripture. She is the first recorded woman to see the Baby, and to recognize who He was. Only three short verses speak of Anna, yet God has given us her story for a reason. Let us begin our study of this very interesting woman.
STOP! (Return to the post for April 20 to read an introduction to this technique.)
1. Stop and ask yourself, “Why am I studying Anna?” What do you already know about Anna?
2. Gather information. Read Luke 2:26-38, the story of Anna, several times.
3.Start a list of key words, repeated words or concepts you might not understand in these verses. In order to fully understand the story of Anna you must dig-deep. Do not research these yet(You will research in the LOOK section). Despite the fact that this is just three short verses there are key words/concepts that may need more research:
Here is an example- you might list these (are there more?)
a. Anna(is she mentioned in any other books of the Bible?)
b. “There was also a prophetess” (What is a Prophetess? A prophetess is one who speaks to the people for God.)
c. “Anna, a daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher”(What was the tribe of Asher?)
d. “She was well along in years, having lived with her husband seven years after her marriage”God mentions not only marriage, but age. Why is this important?)
e. “and was a widow for 84 years”(What about widowhood?)
f. “She did not leave the temple complex"(Where did she live? What about the temple complex?)
g. “ serving God night and day with fastings and prayers”(What is Fasting? Why is prayer mentioned?)
h. “At that very moment, she came up and began to thank God”(giving thanks must be important.)
i. “and to speak about Him to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.”(What does this mean? What is the redemption of Jerusalem”?
j. Add any additional to your own list:
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
Saturday, May 5, 2007
What is God saying to you through the story of the Samaritan Woman. What did you learned through this study?
It is one thing to read a study - but we mst always apply it to our life. What are three things that you have taken from this story that you can apply to your life today?
In my personal life this story has great impact. I did not reach out and take the gift of eternal life until I was 42. I had led a worldly life. I had been married and divorced. God in his mercy arranged for me to ‘meet Jesus’ at a Bible Study (thank you Judy Widergren for inviting me to that study!!) After three weeks in the study of the Gospel of John, in a moment of time I realized that Jesus is God and I was, and am, a sinner. I believed who He was, took the gift of eternal life. I have never been the same. Now I go and tell others about Jesus through my life, my teaching, and my writing.
How is the Samaritan Woman like you? Unlike you? The grace of God and His love for all people shines through this story. Is there a “Samaritan Woman” in your life that needs you to tell her the story of this woman? More importantly, John 4: 13-14 “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give to him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give to him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Have you had a drink from the “fountain of water springing up into everlasting life”? Has your own life been changed for all eternity by meeting the Messiah? If not stop at this very moment and pray. Tell God that you know you are a sinner and that Jesus died for you. Tell Him that you surrender your life to Him from this moment on.
What is God saying to you through the story of the Samaritan Woman. What did you learned through this study?
It is one thing to read a study - but we mst always apply it to our life. What are three things that you have taken from this story that you can apply to your life today?
In my personal life this story has great impact. I did not reach out and take the gift of eternal life until I was 42. I had led a worldly life. I had been married and divorced. God in his mercy arranged for me to ‘meet Jesus’ at a Bible Study (thank you Judy Widergren for inviting me to that study!!) After three weeks in the study of the Gospel of John, in a moment of time I realized that Jesus is God and I was, and am, a sinner. I believed who He was, took the gift of eternal life. I have never been the same. Now I go and tell others about Jesus through my life, my teaching, and my writing.
How is the Samaritan Woman like you? Unlike you? The grace of God and His love for all people shines through this story. Is there a “Samaritan Woman” in your life that needs you to tell her the story of this woman? More importantly, John 4: 13-14 “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give to him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give to him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Have you had a drink from the “fountain of water springing up into everlasting life”? Has your own life been changed for all eternity by meeting the Messiah? If not stop at this very moment and pray. Tell God that you know you are a sinner and that Jesus died for you. Tell Him that you surrender your life to Him from this moment on.
Bible Study,
John 4.,
Samaritan Woman,
Thursday, May 3, 2007
This is a very familiar event. The story of the woman of Samaria is told often. It is seen from several frames of reference:
(1)The story of the woman of Samaria is important to our understanding of techniques of evangelism. How did Jesus speak with her? How did she approach the people of the town?
(2)The story of the woman of Samaria is important to our understanding that the Gospel of Salvation is for Jews and Gentiles (non-Jew) alike. How is this point made?
(3)The story of the woman of Samaria is important to our understanding of how much Jesus cares for women. How is this point made?
In this study we have focused on the fact that this woman was the first person, to whom Jesus confessed that He was the Messiah. He tells no one else until His trial. (Peter and Martha realized it, but Jesus TOLD this woman.) The first recorded person to whom Jesus reveals that He is the Messiah is a pagan woman. Why might He have chosen this woman?
As the last step in the “LOOK!” section, go back to the verse that you identified as the key verse. Now that you have studied this story in depth, would this still be the key verse?
(1)The story of the woman of Samaria is important to our understanding of techniques of evangelism. How did Jesus speak with her? How did she approach the people of the town?
(2)The story of the woman of Samaria is important to our understanding that the Gospel of Salvation is for Jews and Gentiles (non-Jew) alike. How is this point made?
(3)The story of the woman of Samaria is important to our understanding of how much Jesus cares for women. How is this point made?
In this study we have focused on the fact that this woman was the first person, to whom Jesus confessed that He was the Messiah. He tells no one else until His trial. (Peter and Martha realized it, but Jesus TOLD this woman.) The first recorded person to whom Jesus reveals that He is the Messiah is a pagan woman. Why might He have chosen this woman?
As the last step in the “LOOK!” section, go back to the verse that you identified as the key verse. Now that you have studied this story in depth, would this still be the key verse?
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
LOOK! Scan the horizon. Where is this event taking place?
Verse 4 states, “He had to go through Samaria.” Why did He “have to” go through Samaria?” In the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19:5, Jesus said that He “must” stay at your house.” Did Jesus ever “have to” or “must” do anything else as recorded in Scripture? This would be a very insightful study.
Look Left! Look Right! As we study Chapter 4 of the Gospel of John briefly review Chapter 3. In both chapters Jesus speaks to two very different people about salvation. One is a religious man, and one is a worldly woman. Compare and contrast not only the message of Jesus, but the approach of Jesus. How are they similar/different? Why?
Read what happens to Jesus after His meeting with the Samaritan Woman (the rest of Chapter 4), and after he left Samaria.
Verse 4 states, “He had to go through Samaria.” Why did He “have to” go through Samaria?” In the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19:5, Jesus said that He “must” stay at your house.” Did Jesus ever “have to” or “must” do anything else as recorded in Scripture? This would be a very insightful study.
Look Left! Look Right! As we study Chapter 4 of the Gospel of John briefly review Chapter 3. In both chapters Jesus speaks to two very different people about salvation. One is a religious man, and one is a worldly woman. Compare and contrast not only the message of Jesus, but the approach of Jesus. How are they similar/different? Why?
Read what happens to Jesus after His meeting with the Samaritan Woman (the rest of Chapter 4), and after he left Samaria.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
LOOK! Read John 4:1-26, 28-30, 39-45, again.
LOOK! Research the words/concepts that you listed from the STOP! section. Write out your findings. Continue to LOOK! Ask questions. Research.
LOOK! Read John 4:1-26, 28-30, 39-45, again.
LOOK! Research the words/concepts that you listed from the STOP! section. Write out your findings. Continue to LOOK! Ask questions. Research.
Monday, April 30, 2007
The Samaritan Woman: John 4:1-26, 28-30, 39-45.
The Samaritan Woman is one of the “First Ladies” of Scripture. She was the first person to whom Jesus declared that He was the Messiah. The story of the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan is familiar – let us see if we can learn anything new to apply to life today.
If this is the first time you have worked on a STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Bible Study go back read the post of 4/20/2007 to understand this Bible Study technique.
Never use a paraphrase for Bible Study (Message, Living Bible etc…) It is strongly suggested that you use KJ, NKJ or NAS.
Why is a study of the Samaritan Woman important? What do you already know about her story?
Stop! Gather information. Read the story. Make a list of words that you need to research such as words that you do not understand, or even words that are of importance. (Just make the list, you will research in the LOOK! section.) For example: (1)Jesus speak about a gift that He can give to her. Research the word gift in Scripture. How many other times does Jesus use this word? (2) What is a Samaritan? (3) Where is Jacob’s well.
God explains things to us. Stop! Read the verses. Write out each of the verses that state “because” or “for,” "so that" etc....(when something means because.)
Stop! Read the verses again and pick one that summarizes the story of the Samaritan Woman.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
The Samaritan Woman is one of the “First Ladies” of Scripture. She was the first person to whom Jesus declared that He was the Messiah. The story of the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan is familiar – let us see if we can learn anything new to apply to life today.
If this is the first time you have worked on a STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Bible Study go back read the post of 4/20/2007 to understand this Bible Study technique.
Never use a paraphrase for Bible Study (Message, Living Bible etc…) It is strongly suggested that you use KJ, NKJ or NAS.
Why is a study of the Samaritan Woman important? What do you already know about her story?
Stop! Gather information. Read the story. Make a list of words that you need to research such as words that you do not understand, or even words that are of importance. (Just make the list, you will research in the LOOK! section.) For example: (1)Jesus speak about a gift that He can give to her. Research the word gift in Scripture. How many other times does Jesus use this word? (2) What is a Samaritan? (3) Where is Jacob’s well.
God explains things to us. Stop! Read the verses. Write out each of the verses that state “because” or “for,” "so that" etc....(when something means because.)
Stop! Read the verses again and pick one that summarizes the story of the Samaritan Woman.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
Friday, April 20, 2007
“Stop! Look! Listen” most of us heard this from our parents as they taught us about crossing a busy street. I have adapted it to remember the basic steps of an in-depth Bible Study.
First of all, “Bible Study” is just that – study. It is not just reading through a passage or a daily devotional. “Study” has been defined as the act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding (Websters NewWorld Dictionary, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall, New York, 1986). This is a Bible Study blog.
Use a translation that is as close to the original language as possible. Do not use a paraphrase such as the Message or Living Bible. These are wonderful translations and very worthy of reading - but not for study. Use one of the translations that Bible scholars most often recommend : KJV, NKJ or NAS
A summary of the Stop! Look! Listen! technique.
1. Stop! Come to a halt and look around! Read it slowly as a general overview.
2. Stop! Identify any words/concepts that you might not understand. For instance, geography, do you know where Capernaum is located? What is a Pharisee? Who are the Caratites? Many times we quickly read over words that we do not really understand. At this step just identify these words/concepts. Make a written list. You cannot study without pen and paper in hand.
3. Stop! Read it a second time.
4. Look! Pay attention. Focus in on what is important. Look at what Scripture says. Anything that is not Scripture can be error. The main focus of Bible Study is….the Bible. Commentaries, footnotes and study notes are man-made and may contain error.
5. Look Left! Study what comes before this event that might influence the story.
6. Look Right! Study what comes after this event. How did this story and characters influence the future? Write down your answers.
7. Look! Scan the horizon. This means to identify and research the geographical locations. Geography must be important to God because He mentions it so often.
8. Look! Research all that you really do not understand (see the list you made in Step 2). Write! Write! Write!
9. Listen! Read it again.
10. Listen! Apply what you have learned to your life. Your walk (off the curb and across the street) is directed by what you have learned by Stop! Look! Listen! Perhaps you will hesitate. Perhaps you will run. Perhaps you will turn in a different direction. You are on the curb and must do something. You study the Word of God to change into more of what He wants you to be. Listen to what God is saying to you and apply it to your life – today.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
First of all, “Bible Study” is just that – study. It is not just reading through a passage or a daily devotional. “Study” has been defined as the act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding (Websters NewWorld Dictionary, 2nd ed, Prentice Hall, New York, 1986). This is a Bible Study blog.
Use a translation that is as close to the original language as possible. Do not use a paraphrase such as the Message or Living Bible. These are wonderful translations and very worthy of reading - but not for study. Use one of the translations that Bible scholars most often recommend : KJV, NKJ or NAS
A summary of the Stop! Look! Listen! technique.
1. Stop! Come to a halt and look around! Read it slowly as a general overview.
2. Stop! Identify any words/concepts that you might not understand. For instance, geography, do you know where Capernaum is located? What is a Pharisee? Who are the Caratites? Many times we quickly read over words that we do not really understand. At this step just identify these words/concepts. Make a written list. You cannot study without pen and paper in hand.
3. Stop! Read it a second time.
4. Look! Pay attention. Focus in on what is important. Look at what Scripture says. Anything that is not Scripture can be error. The main focus of Bible Study is….the Bible. Commentaries, footnotes and study notes are man-made and may contain error.
5. Look Left! Study what comes before this event that might influence the story.
6. Look Right! Study what comes after this event. How did this story and characters influence the future? Write down your answers.
7. Look! Scan the horizon. This means to identify and research the geographical locations. Geography must be important to God because He mentions it so often.
8. Look! Research all that you really do not understand (see the list you made in Step 2). Write! Write! Write!
9. Listen! Read it again.
10. Listen! Apply what you have learned to your life. Your walk (off the curb and across the street) is directed by what you have learned by Stop! Look! Listen! Perhaps you will hesitate. Perhaps you will run. Perhaps you will turn in a different direction. You are on the curb and must do something. You study the Word of God to change into more of what He wants you to be. Listen to what God is saying to you and apply it to your life – today.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
Thursday, April 19, 2007

The answer to the quiz from yesterday:
Athaliah was the first Queen of Israel/Judah.
Anna was the first woman to recognize the infant as the Promised Messiah.
Hegar was the first single-mom.
Tamar was the first women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus.
The woman at the well was the first one to whom Jesus declared that He was the Messiah.
The daughter of Jairus was the first and only woman, that Jesus raised from death.
Deborah was the first female judge/government leader of Israel.
How did you do?
At the next posting we will begin the study of Hegar using my study technique of "Stop! Look! and Listen." Tomorrow will be an introduction to the technique.
Athaliah was the first Queen of Israel/Judah.
Anna was the first woman to recognize the infant as the Promised Messiah.
Hegar was the first single-mom.
Tamar was the first women mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus.
The woman at the well was the first one to whom Jesus declared that He was the Messiah.
The daughter of Jairus was the first and only woman, that Jesus raised from death.
Deborah was the first female judge/government leader of Israel.
How did you do?
At the next posting we will begin the study of Hegar using my study technique of "Stop! Look! and Listen." Tomorrow will be an introduction to the technique.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Welcome to my blog! Coming soon will be Bible Studies for women using my technique called "Stop! Look! Listen!" Our first study will be "First Ladies of Scripture." As a teaser-quiz answer this question: Why are Athaliah, Anna, Hegar, Tamar, Woman at the Well, Daughter of Jairus, and Deborah called "First Ladies?" For instance, Hegar was the first single-mom.
Answers will be posted tomorrow.
Answers will be posted tomorrow.
NOTE: If your are interested in the women of Scripture be sure to see my other blogs - www.biblestudywomen.blogspot.com and www.biblestudy4women.blogspot.com
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