For the "just for fun" section on Anna I thought about a modern day hymn that she might sing. The hymn by Charles Wesley: Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus seems to echo what Anna might have said:
Come thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free. From our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee. Israel’s Strength and Consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art. Dear Desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.
LOOK ! Each book of the Scripture, or section of Scripture has a key that is the cornerstone of what the author is trying to say. After reading Luke 2:36-38, write a key verse or phrase that gives an over-all theme for the story of Anna. Even in this short section there must be a phrase that is a summary.
LOOK! “Scan the horizon.” Where did this story take place? Find it on the map in a Bible Atlas, the back of most Bibles, etc… Do you know where Jerusalem and the Temple are located in Israel? Can you find Israel on a 2007 map?
LOOK! Spend time in this step to research and study what the verses are saying.
Read the verses again.
Return to the list of words and questions that you wrote in “STOP” section. Use a Bible Dictionary, Bible Encyclopedia, Commentaries, etc… research this list.Write down your findings. If you research the key words you will have great insight into these simple verses. How can you apply what you have learned to your life today?
Part of “LOOK” is to “Look right and look left” just as you were told as a child crossing a street. See what has happened before the story of Anna and then see what comes after the story of Anna.
a. Look left! Read Luke 1 and 2:1-35
b. Look right! Read Luke 2:39 – 3:38.
How do these verses impact your understanding of the story of Anna? Are they related in any way?
Continue to ask questions.
Again, why study Anna? Three little verses. Why is her story important? If Jesus said the every jot and tittle are important (Matthew 5;17-18), then the few short verses about Anna must be important. What is God trying to teach us?
LISTEN! as we come to the end of the study:
Scripture says "listen and obey." (Ps. 81: 8, 11,13; Jer:21)
Read Luke 2:36-38, God has spoken to you through the story of Anna – the first woman to see the Baby and recognize him as the Messiah. What did you learn from this study, and how are these words written so long ago applicable to your life today? Be specific. List three things that you learned, and/or can apply to your life today.
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