Wednesday, May 2, 2007


LOOK! Scan the horizon. Where is this event taking place?
Verse 4 states, “He had to go through Samaria.” Why did He “have to” go through Samaria?” In the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19:5, Jesus said that He “must” stay at your house.” Did Jesus ever “have to” or “must” do anything else as recorded in Scripture? This would be a very insightful study.

Look Left! Look Right! As we study Chapter 4 of the Gospel of John briefly review Chapter 3. In both chapters Jesus speaks to two very different people about salvation. One is a religious man, and one is a worldly woman. Compare and contrast not only the message of Jesus, but the approach of Jesus. How are they similar/different? Why?

Read what happens to Jesus after His meeting with the Samaritan Woman (the rest of Chapter 4), and after he left Samaria.

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