Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Testimony

I have been asked to give my testimony for a women's Sunday School class this week. Next month I will give my testimony to a Senior Adult gathering. For some, beging asked to give your testimony is a frightening thought. They do not know the 'mechanics' of presenting a logical and meaningful story, or they cannot even really put together the facts of their own salvation experience to present it.

I have been blessed to have been trained in the proper steps to give a testimony, and I have had a significant salvation experience that it is easy for me to tell the story. I know the exact moment in time that I was born again. I rejoice in the grace of the LORD, and His forgiveness.

The "mechanics" of a testimony??? It can be easy if you remember a three step outline:
I. Before - your life before you were saved
II. During - what happend at the point of being born again - an event, a time, etc...
III. After - How your life has changed since you were born again.

(I was trained to know that a good testimony only takes about five minutes to tell before people get bored. On paper I can go into more detail.)

I grew up in a "Christian" home. My parentes send us three girls to Sunday School every week. Sometimes they would attend church themselves...most of the time they just dropped us off. My mother seemed like the one who wanted us to be in church.

I have fond memories of Sunday School and the summer activities of church. I don't think they called it VBS the...way back in the 50's.

At the age of 11 I was baptized. My sisters, age 9 were baptized. I know now that, I can only speak for myself, it meant nothing. My mother wanted us baptized. I remember her having a heated discussion with our pastor that we three girls needed to be baptized. He did not seem to want us baptized. I didn't understand his objection I do.

We were baptized because she wanted us baptized. I really didn't understand that I was a sinner in need of salvation. It meant nothing to us. Nothing more than a nice ceremony, getting dressed up in cute little white dresses, and having a family celebration afterward. I thought I was a Christian.

My mother died about a year later. We never went back to church again. BUT....

I thought I was a Christian all my life.

I thought I was a Christian by attending church on only Easter and Christmas.
I thought I was a Christian because I kept a Bible by my bed.
I thought I was a Christian because I loved God and knew who Jesus was.
I thought I was a Christian because I prayed when I needed something. I prayed when I was afraid, or when I saw something disturbing that I didn't understand in the world.
I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.

I became a nurse. I went to church to pray when I saw some terrible thing happen - a patient that was very ill - a terrible accident - someone disfigured. I remember seeing a man cut in half in an accident. He had a surgical procedure called a 'hemicorporectomy' - half body. Right after the surgery I left the operating room and went to the chapel and prayed. I remember being so sad for this man. I just didn't underestand the ugliness and horror that life could bring. I felt the need to pray. I was drawn to God in my need. I didn't underestand when this man died a few days later.

I thought I was a Christian while I sat in bars and was a 'wild women' in the 60"s. I thought I was being spiritual when I would wear a large, ornate crucifix around my neck as jewelry - while I went out every night to bars for fun. As the song goes..."looking for love in all the wrong places." I went to church on Christmas and Easter...maybe. I concentrated on my job and getting advanced education...for position and a bigger pay check.

That was my life. Hard work for position and money, hard fun I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.

Lots of 'fun'. Lots of men. Two ruined marriages.

I remember one young man trying to share the gospel with me. He was a new Christian. One night shift when things were very quiet he asked me.."Are you a Christian?"' That question did not bother me. I answered what I felt in my heart, "Of course I am a Christian...I have been baptized."

He then tried to explain to me that being baptized was not the issue..."was I a Christian?" I didn't get it...I thought he was some kind of a religious nut...and let it go.

I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.


"During" reminds me to speak of what happened at the moments leading up to my salvation experience.

I was born again on Oct. 6, 1987. I had just arrived on the the island of Guam, on Sept. 1st, for duty as a Navy Nurse. I was in a very low valley of life. Going to a job I really did not want, to a place I did not want to go...and I had just received the final papers on a divorce that I did NOT want. Life was a mess....but God had a plan.

I arrived for duty, living in the Bachelor Officers Quarters...just 300 yards from the hospital itself....and about 200 yeards from the Navy Chapel. I arrived on a Friday and was bored on Sunday morning so I decided to go to the church service. I enjoyed it. A younger nurse asked me to join her on Tues night for the weekoly Bible Study....Hey...nothing to do on Tues night...ok.

The group was studying the Gospel of John and I really did enjoy it. I decided to go back every Tuesday (only if it did not interfere with my new social life!) Through that study I began to see God's love, and my sinful life. Several weeks into the study, October 6th to be exact, we were studying how the disciples and followers of Jesus deserted Him when He was arrested. I spoke up and said, "How could they do that? They all saw His miracles and saw that He was God! They ran and He still loved them!!"

One sweet lady spoke up and said, "Why Jeanne it is like our lives. God is there showing us His love and his miracles and we just don't get it. He keeps trying to get our attention but we just ignore Him. Its like Rev. 3:20 says...Behold I stand at the door and knock, If anyone hears my voice and opens that door, I will come into him.."

Each one of us has a different salvation experience. Each one has that one special moment in time when we are born again. THIS WAS MINE. When that woman spoke that verse it was as if a light came on in my spirit. An actual light. In that moment of time I knew that Jesus had always been trying to get my attention. As Lord and God Jesus loved me. I was a sinner and wanted to submit myself to Him forever. I wanted to be obedient and a Christ follower.

In a moment of time it happened to me. I was born again. Praise God life has never been the same!!

The following weekend I was baptized at the beach in Agana, Guam. This time it meant something. It did not save me. It did not usher me into heaven, but it was my public proclamation that Jesus is my Lord and Savior...and I am His.


My life has never been the same. I could fill thousands of typed lines telling how God has blessed me and USED me!!! He took such a sinner as I was and has honored me by directing me to teach the Word of God to other women. WOW!!!

They say that the Christian life is an adventure...and it is, if we will submit our wills to His. God does have a plan for each of us - if we will just submit to His will life is exciting. More that is wonderful...KNOWING Him....TRUSTING Him!!!

God is the boss of my life....who is your boss??

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