One verse in the Bible has been on my mind this week - one most of us have heard, or said... "the love of money is the root of all evil."
I began to think of it in context of the book of the Revelation. We are studying it at Fairview, and the Pastor mentioned that as we read Revelation, in many of the chapters we see the emphesis on the economy. The end chapters speak of how the merchants and kings grieve when Babylon has fallen because of their riches. Babylon may indicate an economic system in the end times. Money and wealth the focus over spiritual things. It seems like that day is coming.
As I look around me, and at my own life, I can see how things and money seem to be a big focus...and how easily we could all begin to 'worship' materialism! "The love of money is the root of all evil" begins to make more sense in view of the 'end times'
I also see this verse and how the love of money and things is overtaking our lives in the way we VOTE. Many of us vote for the person that will best take care of us. The person that will give us more. The person that will keep us rich or make us even more wealthy.
We don't vote for people that will lead this country back to our Christian roots. Good, solid, pure hearted Christians vote with our wallets.....the love of money is the root of all evil. What evil?
Just look around at what our politicians are doing...and we voted for them so that we can keep our money. Because of our love for money...more abortion...a country that condones homosexuality....a country that won't pray or permit Bible reading in school....etc... all because we voted for people on the local and national level who will keep our wallets full. These same people are the ones who seem to lead us away from Christian living.
I had someone tell me today that she would NEVER vote again in any election because she had been duped into voting for someone who was not what she thought. She had even changed 'parties' for the first time in her life, in hopes of a brighter future for this country. When I asked her why she had voted for this person, she said, "I needed to know that my house taxes would stay low. I was tryinig to protect my property." Now she is says she is so discouraged she won't vote again.
"The love of money is the root of all evil" may be one of the most important verses in Scripture. I am going to watch my own actions and attidudes very closely. None of us is immune from letting money rule our lives.
Yes....'the love of money may be the root of all evil."
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