I awakened this morning thinking about Scripture.
With the environment of the world today so anti-God we must know not only what we believe, but why we believe it. I asked myself, "Why do you believe what you read in Scripture?" There are many reasons that I believe my Bible, but this morning I focused on one.
I remember before I became a believer that I questioned the Bible and felt that it was just another book...like the Koran....like the Book of Mormon - written by one man with one agenda. Boy was I wrong!
I now know that the Bible is a collection of 66 books written by a variety of men, over a time span of thousands of years....yet with one common thread and theme. From Genesis to Revelation the theme is the Holiness of God, the sinfulness of mankind, the salvation offered by Jesus and that in the end...it would all end....and we would go on to eternity with God...or without God. A common thread that agrees over the thousands of years...that is amazing!
How could so many men, over so many years, write the same thing? That alone is worth believing that the book is true.
My dear father was not a believer (as far as I know). I remember a conversation I had with him several years before he died. I was a new Christian, and trying to share the gospel with him. He started his argument with the unreliability of the Bible. When I said, "It says in Scripture.." or "Because the Bible says..." he would laugh. He finally said..."that book was written by a bunch of Jews who just wanted the Jews to look good....Jesus was a Jew...they just wanted to make him look good."
The most wrong thing about what dad said was that the book made the Jews "look good." The only Jewish person that looks good in Scripture is Jesus! The rest of the Jews in the book are flawed and full of sin, like the rest of us...they hardly 'look good."
Unchurched people have no idea what the Bible is all about, or how we got the Bible. Most Christians do not know either.
Going back to my original thought this morning...how amazing our book is!!! Sixty six different books written over a time span of thousands of years, written by such a variety of men...with the very same theme...that is amazing. That to me is one of the most important proofs that the book we read, and the book on which I base my life, here and for eternity is the Holy Word of God, and true.
I doubt that you could find 66 books on any other one topic that would line up and agree like Scripture does. Law? Medicine? Cooking? Sewing? New Age Philosophy? Diet Books? What about even 66 books on the life of one person? ...see what I mean...
We are not reading books that have had a manufactured date on them to make history come out a certain way. We do have proof of the age of many of the books. No we do not have the original writings by the original authors, but we have scrolls (copies) that date back thousands of years that match up almost word for word with the Bible we carry to church each Sunday. AMAZING!!!
These "Bible" scrolls are much earlier than the Koran or the Book of Morman - which goes back to my original thought...our Bible is not the idea of one man, not the commands of one man....many men over many years, directed by God said the same thing over and over and over. We do not have just one mans thoughts, but many men over many years... again to me this is great proof that our Bible is authentic.
I just mentioned another reason I believe our Scripture is true. Over and over in Scripture is says..."this is the Word of God," or "God said." This is the Word of God....I better quit now and close down the computer ....and get into my copy of the Word of God.
If I believe it is the Word of God....I need to turn off this computer and get into the Word of God...
Just heard another great sermon on the car radio....by a preacher here in Knoxville. His theme was..."What is the story of your life?"
If you were to write a story of your life...not with labels such as "I was a Christian..etc.." but with a summary of the actions in your life....what would it say?
The preacher started with that thought..then quickly went into....what would your story say about how you served God with your life? How did your life fit into the plan of God, and the advancement of His Kingdom?
He ended with...it is not too late to change the them of your summary. Today we can make our actions count toward "God's Plan"...today we can make adjustments to 'our story' from here on in....to serve our LORD and be part of the completion of His plan.
Wow!!! What a thought.
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