Over the past year I have seen a recurring theme among my Christian friends and am mulling it over. If we say, and believe, that our bodies are the Temple of God, why do we not take better care of them?
Ya Ya I know. I too do not take care of my body by the things I eat and the extra weight I carry. That is pretty common, not right, but common.
What I have been seeing over the past year is Christians ignoring major physical problems – not going to the doctor for treatment, or refusing treatment when recommended by a health professional. We do have ‘choice,’ but we also have a responsibility to care for the bodies God has given us.
If we believe that our body is the Temple of God should we not keep it repaired? We are stewards of all He has given us...our bodies too. If the roof of our church or home was falling down and in need of repair we probably would take care of it…what about God’s temple, our bodies?
One friend of mine has had a major orthopedic problem for over a year and has refused to let the surgeons correct it. Now it has reached the point that other symptoms are evident, caused by the first condition, and she probably will need treatment on another area of her body. Over the year she has missed out on several events, numerous church services, and a lot of fun….because of her problem.
Two friends of mine have had cardiac problems. Fear has caused them to both delay treatment. One has been treated and is doing fine. The other is now finally scheduling surgery…she could have dropped over at any time with a stroke all these years because she would not take care of herself.
One friend had a serious bladder situation (in fact she said it felt like her bladder was going to fall out of her body…) and waited over 12 hours to begin taking prescribed antibiotics. Twelve hours is a looooong time when you are a senior adult with an infection.
Another friend had a serious, serious gyn problem and ignored it for several days. Only after my nagging her, and scaring her with all the possibilities of what might be wrong did she finally see her physician.
I may be sensitive to this issue of ignoring physical symptoms for two reasons, one is that I am a retired nurse and have seen it all…and……my niece ignored a breast mass for a year, and when she finally went to the doctor it was Stage 4 breast cancer. She died last month. I often wonder if the outcome might have been different if she had taken care of it right away.
A year of seeing my friends with these ailments has made me sort of sick-to-my-stomach at their neglect for their own bodies.
But getting back to basics. If we believe that God, the Holy Spirit lives in us, and we are the temple of God….shouldn’t we take better care of ourselves? (I am speaking to myself too).
Yes our Lord does perform miracles...but I am pretty sure He wants us to take care of ourselves too!
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