I heard an interesting sermon on the radio this week. The preacher was saying that if we were listening on the radio for spiritual uplifting and guidance, to be sure that we are also going to church. He commented that Scripture speaks of "hearing the word of God, and that that probably means 'first hand hearing.'
I agree with his comments that just listening to the radio, tv, dvd or audio tapes to get the Word of God is not sufficient. Yes we have the technology...but God seems to have meant for us to group together and hear the Word directly from the man of God.
Yes when Scripture was written there was no technology...and some will say, 'Well now we have the technology to hear the greatest preachers in the world on our own radio." True...I love Dr. Jeremiah and Dr. Stanley, but I think God means for me to actually go into a House of Worship and join with others to sing praises, give, and hear the message. (I am pretty sure that Dr. J and Dr. S. would say the same thing.)
For me ...I cannot "worship and praise" very effectively away from the House of God. Oh yes, occasionally I can...but I think when I am surrounded by other beievers, and when 'God shows up"....this is the way it is meant to be.
One reason for not attending worship... "I can't find a church", a common theme Believe me in the past six years I have moved around quite a bit and know the difficulty in some towns of finding a church 'I liked.' Yet deep in my spirit I knew that God did want me to join together with other Christians...to learn from them, to be blessed by them, and to be a blessing to them in return.
In one city in Nevada, after several month of searching and not finding 'what I liked,' I was drawn to a church where the pastor did preach a truthful sermon...but he was sure boring!!! I struggled NOT to go back, but finally gave in and joined...feeling that God wanted me there.
I decided to listen to the words of this man of God, and not to his delivery. He was a good, kind, sweet shephard to the people...but really not what I was used to hearing..the firebrands of the south...this man was soft in vocal tone and a bit disorganized...but his message did come through.
I was there for a year till I moved out of town. I know God wanted me there. I did hear messages from God. I was blessed by knowing the people, and I am sure I was a blessing to a few people.
Why actually walk into a church when you can listen on the radio or watch TV? I think God wants us to come together.
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