I just finished watching a news program that spotlighted the granddaughter of the founder of the Boy Scouts. She has devoted her life to promoting, writing books about, and serving the Boy Scouts.
The other night on TV I was watching Judge Joe Brown. He brought up to the bench an 'expert' in....of all things ...fleas. This man was a world known 'expert' in fleas. He knew their life cycle, the anatomy, etc...
This has started me thinking..... People devote themselves to a variety of things. Their entire lives are focused on one thing. When they die, someone might remember them as "the flea guy' or 'the Boys Scout lady.' They spend millions of hours of their lives on one focus.
I am asking myself...and you... What have I focused my life on? In what am I an expert? What one thing have I spent millions (well, maybe thousands) of hours studying?
I also go back and think about this man and woman. They spent millions of hours on fleas and the Boy Scouts. Nothing is wrong with this. I love the Boy Scouts...and fleas have their place in the world. But..... how much time did they spend in Gods Word? Feeding the hungry? Giving shelter to the homeless? Praying?
When I die, how will I be remembered? "Oh yes...she was the XYZ lady."
How will people remember you?
When God sees you at the Judgment. What will He say...."Oh yes......you were the XYZ lady."
Something to think about.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
A Prayer for a Day That Might Have Turned Out Very Different
Are you praying every day for our country? I stop and pray every night at 9 pm. I set an alarm clock to remind me. Tonight I will pray...Thank You God for protecting this country today. You stopped those packages from doing any damage to the USA. Your love and care were evident. Please keep Your hand of security over us every day. Amen.
Pray for the Elections...
(Used by permission by my friend Betty Newman in Knoxville TN)
1Timothy 2:1-4 First of all, then, I exhort that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all mankind; for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who will have all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Our precious Heavenly Father, I lift to You the prayers of Your people. those joys and petitions that have been voiced this morning. And for the burdens that lay quietly, but heavily on our hearts. Oh Father, today I pray for this nation. I pray for the leaders of our nation. Today and every day, fill them with Your spirit and Your guidance.
Father, as we are in the midst of a time of elections, as the "positioning" continues, as we exercise our freedom and recognize our responsibility to vote this Tuesday, open our eyes as we seek for whom we should vote. Before we enter the voting booth, let us enter our prayer closets and go to our knees. Lead us in our choice of leaders, and decision makers - both locally and nationally. But oh Lord, even as we pray this prayer, as we cry out, we are afraid that You will give us what we "deserve." That in giving us what we "need" You will allow us to be carried into "captivity" as You did those who were "chosen" and bore Your very Name.But in many ways, we are already in captivity - the captivity of our souls and our hearts. We are enslaved by our possessions and in bondage to our own selfish desires. Father we realize that it isn't the money, or the earning of money that is evil - it is what we do with it! We are entrusted with such a huge amount of the world's resources, and yet still the world is hungry. And we must ask ourselves, is my neighbor hungry?
Please Father, don't give us what we deserve. Have mercy on us, and forgive us. And lead us to elect leaders who will bring us to the place of righteousness. I pray that we have not gone too far. God I pray for revival in this land, in our churches and in our own hearts. I pray that we Your people, who are called by Your name, will turn from our ways, and pray, and that indeed, You will heal our land and our souls. We lift our prayer to You this morning, calling upon the Name above all names, we pray in Jesus' Name - Amen.
1Timothy 2:1-4 First of all, then, I exhort that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all mankind; for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who will have all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Our precious Heavenly Father, I lift to You the prayers of Your people. those joys and petitions that have been voiced this morning. And for the burdens that lay quietly, but heavily on our hearts. Oh Father, today I pray for this nation. I pray for the leaders of our nation. Today and every day, fill them with Your spirit and Your guidance.
Father, as we are in the midst of a time of elections, as the "positioning" continues, as we exercise our freedom and recognize our responsibility to vote this Tuesday, open our eyes as we seek for whom we should vote. Before we enter the voting booth, let us enter our prayer closets and go to our knees. Lead us in our choice of leaders, and decision makers - both locally and nationally. But oh Lord, even as we pray this prayer, as we cry out, we are afraid that You will give us what we "deserve." That in giving us what we "need" You will allow us to be carried into "captivity" as You did those who were "chosen" and bore Your very Name.But in many ways, we are already in captivity - the captivity of our souls and our hearts. We are enslaved by our possessions and in bondage to our own selfish desires. Father we realize that it isn't the money, or the earning of money that is evil - it is what we do with it! We are entrusted with such a huge amount of the world's resources, and yet still the world is hungry. And we must ask ourselves, is my neighbor hungry?
Please Father, don't give us what we deserve. Have mercy on us, and forgive us. And lead us to elect leaders who will bring us to the place of righteousness. I pray that we have not gone too far. God I pray for revival in this land, in our churches and in our own hearts. I pray that we Your people, who are called by Your name, will turn from our ways, and pray, and that indeed, You will heal our land and our souls. We lift our prayer to You this morning, calling upon the Name above all names, we pray in Jesus' Name - Amen.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ephesians 4: 17-32
Ephesians 4:17-32 deals with "how we walk. " To walk is a choice.
We have been studying the Letter to the Ephesians for the past few weeks. All the lessons are good…this week the lesson is very applicable to our daily lives so I decided to blog a lesson.
Review of Ephesians.
A letter written to believers, not ‘the world.’ By Paul. Ephesis was on of the greatest cities in the area at that time. Rich. Greedy. Worldly. Sinful. Can you think of any cities that you know of today that might fit that description? As a believer how would you feel today if God suddenly moved to you a very worldly city to live? There are devoted Christians that live in New Orleans, San Francisco, and Las Vegas…go figure!!! How would you ‘walk’ if you had to move to one of those cities and live in the downtown area. (I have lived in San Francisco and Las Vegas and loved it. There is nothing sinful about San Francisco, Las Vegas, San Diego, and Boston, except the people and their life choices.)
Here Paul is encouraging and teaching the believers about how to live day to day in the world. We can all learn much from this particular section of Scripture.
Read the verses slowly and intentionally, marking any words you do not fully understand. Mark the words, ‘but,’ ‘because,’ and ‘for,’ (when it means because). Another phrase that is important is ‘so that’….this is giving a direction, or a result in something.
This section begins with ‘therefore.’ In Seminary we learned to stop at the word ‘therefore’ and ask – “What is that therefore there for?” Paul is saying – “Because of what I just told you….do this….” The beginning chapters of Ephesians speak of Gods love and salvation…..because of Gods love and salvation…do this….WALK this way.
( Go to Romans 12:1 a well known verse, and see the ‘therefore’ )
What is ‘walk?’ Our walk is our movement through life. Our lifestyle. How the world sees us operate. It is a choice, an action.
We say that we are different from the world, from non-believers, but are we really? Is the only outward appearance to your neighbors and family that you are a Christian, the fact that you go to church every week? How many times in the last month have you said ‘no’ to something they are doing, or might do, that would make you ‘different’ from them. Lets see….how we talk. What we watch on TV. How we spend our money. My neighbors watch all those vampire and paranormal programs on TV. Do I? Should I?
Being a Christian is not a matter of all the don’ts in live, despite the list in the above paragraph. Or Christian life is all about our relationship with God, and how it makes us different from the world. Its not that we ‘don’t’ do things the world does. It is that the world does things that, because we have the Holy Spirit in our lives, we chose not to do.
Ephesians 4:19 speaks of ‘giving themselves over to lewdness’. As Christians, with the Holy Spirit directing our lives we should be choosing the things in life that are pleasing to God. We are obedient, not disobedient. We are submissive, not rebellious to the Word of God. We do it all in love, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
LISTEN! How to we apply what we have studied to our life?
I never want to seem like I am preaching to you. Every word is directed at my own heart. I know that my style of writing sounds preachy….I do not mean to point the finger at my readers. It is for me too.
I spend hours, literally hours, studying some of these topics. I have to ask each question of myself, and have it ruminate around in my head and spirit…I have hours to think about some of these questions. Whey I say “you” I am saying ‘me’ foremost.
Much of Chapter 4 of Ephesians is about believers being different from the world around them.
Be different – how? Why? To whom?
Being different from the word is not easy but is a natural flow from our change of heart, from our love and devotion to God, from the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Scripture says that are born again, and that we take off the old, and put on the new. Scripture says that the Holy Spirit is living in us to guide and teach us.
I have to ask myself….do I let the Holy Spirit direct my life? Do I listen to that inner prompting .. to that “little voice”
Does your relationship with the Lord of Creation make your lifestyle different than the world around you?
How do we act/decide/choose to be different? To me more Christ-like?
1. Accept Jesus and not only our Savior, but our Lord. He is our boss. Are we obedient to His directions for life?
2. Act. Choose. Do.
3. Plan….yes plan. We have to decide how we will respond ahead of time to those things that we know will come into our life that are not pleasing to God. Plan how to respond.
I have a wonderful young nephew that I love dearly, who is about to go on active duty in the Navy. Because I spent 20 years in the Navy myself, I am aware that for many young people, away from home for the first time, and feeling that testosterone soar when they put on the uniform and feel like a man….many temptations come up. The world says to be manly…you will participate in alcohol, swearing, pornography,….in other words… Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll. It will all be presented to my nephew.
“Aunt Jeanne” has given him this lecture: Decide beforehand how you will respond to all of this. Decide beforehand what your level of integrity will be. I am not telling you what to do…but know that these temptations and your choices will sometimes have life long effects – and decide how you will handle it now.
That is the same advice we need every day in our Christian life. What is going to come before you in your life today that will not be pleasing to God? Perhaps your family or friends go to movies, or watch certain TV programs that you know are now pleasing to God. What will your response be? ( In my life, it seems like more and more I am changing the channel on the t.v. when I see something that is not pleasing to God. I am convicted that even watching sex, drugs, rock and roll, on tv is something that I need to avoid. Some of what used to be my most favorite programs…are no more to grace the screen in front of me.)
Perhaps your friends are wearing clothing styles that you know are not pleasing to God, or caught up in the vampire-craze. What do you do? How will you face criticism if you will not wear that style, or get caught up in the vampire/paranormal programs?
The holidays are approaching. How will you respond to meals, activities, social situations that may involve worldly pleasures”? Plan ahead. It all probably can be summarized in these questions…will we be obedient or God? Is what we are doing pleasing to God?
I am asking that of myself.
We have been studying the Letter to the Ephesians for the past few weeks. All the lessons are good…this week the lesson is very applicable to our daily lives so I decided to blog a lesson.
Review of Ephesians.
A letter written to believers, not ‘the world.’ By Paul. Ephesis was on of the greatest cities in the area at that time. Rich. Greedy. Worldly. Sinful. Can you think of any cities that you know of today that might fit that description? As a believer how would you feel today if God suddenly moved to you a very worldly city to live? There are devoted Christians that live in New Orleans, San Francisco, and Las Vegas…go figure!!! How would you ‘walk’ if you had to move to one of those cities and live in the downtown area. (I have lived in San Francisco and Las Vegas and loved it. There is nothing sinful about San Francisco, Las Vegas, San Diego, and Boston, except the people and their life choices.)
Here Paul is encouraging and teaching the believers about how to live day to day in the world. We can all learn much from this particular section of Scripture.
Read the verses slowly and intentionally, marking any words you do not fully understand. Mark the words, ‘but,’ ‘because,’ and ‘for,’ (when it means because). Another phrase that is important is ‘so that’….this is giving a direction, or a result in something.
This section begins with ‘therefore.’ In Seminary we learned to stop at the word ‘therefore’ and ask – “What is that therefore there for?” Paul is saying – “Because of what I just told you….do this….” The beginning chapters of Ephesians speak of Gods love and salvation…..because of Gods love and salvation…do this….WALK this way.
( Go to Romans 12:1 a well known verse, and see the ‘therefore’ )
What is ‘walk?’ Our walk is our movement through life. Our lifestyle. How the world sees us operate. It is a choice, an action.
We say that we are different from the world, from non-believers, but are we really? Is the only outward appearance to your neighbors and family that you are a Christian, the fact that you go to church every week? How many times in the last month have you said ‘no’ to something they are doing, or might do, that would make you ‘different’ from them. Lets see….how we talk. What we watch on TV. How we spend our money. My neighbors watch all those vampire and paranormal programs on TV. Do I? Should I?
Being a Christian is not a matter of all the don’ts in live, despite the list in the above paragraph. Or Christian life is all about our relationship with God, and how it makes us different from the world. Its not that we ‘don’t’ do things the world does. It is that the world does things that, because we have the Holy Spirit in our lives, we chose not to do.
Ephesians 4:19 speaks of ‘giving themselves over to lewdness’. As Christians, with the Holy Spirit directing our lives we should be choosing the things in life that are pleasing to God. We are obedient, not disobedient. We are submissive, not rebellious to the Word of God. We do it all in love, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
LISTEN! How to we apply what we have studied to our life?
I never want to seem like I am preaching to you. Every word is directed at my own heart. I know that my style of writing sounds preachy….I do not mean to point the finger at my readers. It is for me too.
I spend hours, literally hours, studying some of these topics. I have to ask each question of myself, and have it ruminate around in my head and spirit…I have hours to think about some of these questions. Whey I say “you” I am saying ‘me’ foremost.
Much of Chapter 4 of Ephesians is about believers being different from the world around them.
Be different – how? Why? To whom?
Being different from the word is not easy but is a natural flow from our change of heart, from our love and devotion to God, from the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Scripture says that are born again, and that we take off the old, and put on the new. Scripture says that the Holy Spirit is living in us to guide and teach us.
I have to ask myself….do I let the Holy Spirit direct my life? Do I listen to that inner prompting .. to that “little voice”
Does your relationship with the Lord of Creation make your lifestyle different than the world around you?
How do we act/decide/choose to be different? To me more Christ-like?
1. Accept Jesus and not only our Savior, but our Lord. He is our boss. Are we obedient to His directions for life?
2. Act. Choose. Do.
3. Plan….yes plan. We have to decide how we will respond ahead of time to those things that we know will come into our life that are not pleasing to God. Plan how to respond.
I have a wonderful young nephew that I love dearly, who is about to go on active duty in the Navy. Because I spent 20 years in the Navy myself, I am aware that for many young people, away from home for the first time, and feeling that testosterone soar when they put on the uniform and feel like a man….many temptations come up. The world says to be manly…you will participate in alcohol, swearing, pornography,….in other words… Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll. It will all be presented to my nephew.
“Aunt Jeanne” has given him this lecture: Decide beforehand how you will respond to all of this. Decide beforehand what your level of integrity will be. I am not telling you what to do…but know that these temptations and your choices will sometimes have life long effects – and decide how you will handle it now.
That is the same advice we need every day in our Christian life. What is going to come before you in your life today that will not be pleasing to God? Perhaps your family or friends go to movies, or watch certain TV programs that you know are now pleasing to God. What will your response be? ( In my life, it seems like more and more I am changing the channel on the t.v. when I see something that is not pleasing to God. I am convicted that even watching sex, drugs, rock and roll, on tv is something that I need to avoid. Some of what used to be my most favorite programs…are no more to grace the screen in front of me.)
Perhaps your friends are wearing clothing styles that you know are not pleasing to God, or caught up in the vampire-craze. What do you do? How will you face criticism if you will not wear that style, or get caught up in the vampire/paranormal programs?
The holidays are approaching. How will you respond to meals, activities, social situations that may involve worldly pleasures”? Plan ahead. It all probably can be summarized in these questions…will we be obedient or God? Is what we are doing pleasing to God?
I am asking that of myself.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Random Thoughts - Forgiveness
What does the Bible say about forgiveness.....and how can we appply those principles to our life? When do you get annoyed with someone? When do you walk away angry? How often do we hear sermons about the issue of forgiveness? We are to forgive because God has forgiven us.
One of my previous pastors used to preach on a particular topic at least once a year, "We are most like Jesus when we forgive. " That always stuck with me. I asked myself this week...forgive whom...for what? I would bet we all go right to the 'biggies' of divorce, childhood abuse, bullying, family disharmony, etc... when we think of areas where we need to show forgivness....but is that all there is?
What about forgiveness day-to-day? I thought back to several times this week when I became irritated with someone....forgiveness is part of these 'little' irritations of life.
Forgiveness is due to the saleslady when she is slow in ringing up my items on a busy day. I don't want to leave the line in an angry demeanor....I want to forgive her, without even telling her...forgive her and just understand the situation. Forgiveness is due my physician who let me sit in the waiting room for forty minutes past my appointment time. My demeanor should be one of calmness and acceptance. That is forgiveness. Forgivness due the salesman at the computer store when the brand new computer I purchased does not work. My attitude in dealing with him should be calm and kind. I think, in my life, that forgivness is all around me. I need to be forgiving about the little things, and not just think of the 'biggies' in my life.
I think in these previous situations mentioned that it is not that we are push-overs, not that we let people take advantage of us...I think it is a sense of understanding the human condition and forgiving the mishap. Forgiveness does not mean that we put ourselves back in the same situation...we look for another store to do business with, we are just patient with the physician.
We always ask..."What would Jesus do?" What would Jesus do in the Walmart line if the cashier was slow? What would Jesus do with the computer salesman when the new computer is not working? Remember from Scripture that in many cases Jesus traveled and avoided towns that were hostile to Him. He loved them. He must have forgave them, for He forgave everyone, but He did avoid the situation. We have no record of Him in any of the large Roman-controlled cities like Tiberias or Beth Shan.
In my own life, when I think of the issue of forgivness it is easy to think about the obvious, nasty situations when we have been hurt...we are taught to forgive...our lives should reflect some amount of forgivness. It is easy to forget those little irritations in life an not see them as situation where forgivness is called for. How much better I would be as an ambasador of Jesus in the world, if I would, daily, just 'get over it' and forgive the irritations of life, or avoid those situation that might cause upset.
Thats what Jesus would do. Forgive. Perhaps avoid. Be kind and gentle. If it is good enought for Jesus, it is good enought for me.
One of my previous pastors used to preach on a particular topic at least once a year, "We are most like Jesus when we forgive. " That always stuck with me. I asked myself this week...forgive whom...for what? I would bet we all go right to the 'biggies' of divorce, childhood abuse, bullying, family disharmony, etc... when we think of areas where we need to show forgivness....but is that all there is?
What about forgiveness day-to-day? I thought back to several times this week when I became irritated with someone....forgiveness is part of these 'little' irritations of life.
Forgiveness is due to the saleslady when she is slow in ringing up my items on a busy day. I don't want to leave the line in an angry demeanor....I want to forgive her, without even telling her...forgive her and just understand the situation. Forgiveness is due my physician who let me sit in the waiting room for forty minutes past my appointment time. My demeanor should be one of calmness and acceptance. That is forgiveness. Forgivness due the salesman at the computer store when the brand new computer I purchased does not work. My attitude in dealing with him should be calm and kind. I think, in my life, that forgivness is all around me. I need to be forgiving about the little things, and not just think of the 'biggies' in my life.
I think in these previous situations mentioned that it is not that we are push-overs, not that we let people take advantage of us...I think it is a sense of understanding the human condition and forgiving the mishap. Forgiveness does not mean that we put ourselves back in the same situation...we look for another store to do business with, we are just patient with the physician.
We always ask..."What would Jesus do?" What would Jesus do in the Walmart line if the cashier was slow? What would Jesus do with the computer salesman when the new computer is not working? Remember from Scripture that in many cases Jesus traveled and avoided towns that were hostile to Him. He loved them. He must have forgave them, for He forgave everyone, but He did avoid the situation. We have no record of Him in any of the large Roman-controlled cities like Tiberias or Beth Shan.
In my own life, when I think of the issue of forgivness it is easy to think about the obvious, nasty situations when we have been hurt...we are taught to forgive...our lives should reflect some amount of forgivness. It is easy to forget those little irritations in life an not see them as situation where forgivness is called for. How much better I would be as an ambasador of Jesus in the world, if I would, daily, just 'get over it' and forgive the irritations of life, or avoid those situation that might cause upset.
Thats what Jesus would do. Forgive. Perhaps avoid. Be kind and gentle. If it is good enought for Jesus, it is good enought for me.
Ephesians 1 and 2
We have been studying the book of Ephesians in Sunday School for the past few weeks.
My goal as a group leader is not to spoon-feed you all the information, but to teach you to dig deep and improve you Bible Study techniques. "Bible Study" is just that...STUDY. These additional notes on my blog for each lesson are for those who want to dig-deeper in study. Ephesians is a book full of much doctrine, much 'meat.'
It is a blessing to lead this group. I ahve often said, "How do you learn Scripture? - Teach Scripture." I am learning so much by preparing these lessons. Hope they will be of help to some of you.
Our first lesson this week will cover Eph. 1:1-14.
For this lesson read your student guide, read the verses, then answer these questions:
1. These verses are deep in theology. What do you need to reasearch for a greater understanding? Do you know what 'grace' means? What is the "mystery" that Paul writes about? Etc...
2. What is God trying to say to us in these verses?
3. What if these verses had been left out of recorded Scripture?
4. Read the verses as though Paul was speaking directly to you. What can you take from these verses to apply to your life today?
The Stop! Look! Listen! Bible Study Technique (This is the outline I use when i am studying) “Bible Study” is just that – study! It is not casual, recreational reading. Bible Study is hard work. We do not have to be Biblical scholars to find out the meaning of what God has to say to us. With help of the Holy Spirit, some time, a few study techniques, and diligence, even a layperson can understand Scripture. One simple method of personal Bible Study is the “Stop – Look – Listen” technique. Many of us grew up with our parents teaching us to “Stop-Look- Listen” as we cross a busy street. This little childhood phrase can guide our steps not only across the street, but in our personal Bible Study. It is easy to remember, and we can “take it” with us anywhere!
STOP! Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to the truths in His Word. Pray for no distractions or interruptions. Get your Bible. Make note of what Bible translation are you using? Why have you chosen this translation? ( I strongly recommend that you use KJ,NKJ, or NAS) Read the verses at one sitting (if possible). Slow down and look at each word. a. Mark or list any words you do not fully understand. (If you are using a KJV you might have a longer list because of the use of the old English language). Research these words using a Bible Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, or other resource. Do not study a commentary until your personal study is complete. b. Mark any words that are of interest to you. (I always mark “because” or “for” when it means because. I mark a “P” in the margin for anything that I think is Prophecy. I mark an “I” in the margin if I see any promises to Israel. What is of interest to you?) As you study the women of the Old Testament be sure to search a concordance to see if the woman is mentioned in the New Testament, and read those verses also.
LOOK! This section is where you will spend most of your study time. Read the verses again. If your study is one of the women of Scripture: list the men associated with her life, and note how they interact with her. Getting back to our basic technique….part of crossing the street is to “Look right! Look left!” Study the verses/chapters around this story. How to the preceding events affect this story? How does this story affect the events that follow? Also….”scan the horizon.” Identify where this story took place. Find it on a map. Geography is important. Note to whom God speaks. If this is a study about a person(s), what is recorded that they said? Last year I heard a very meaningful sermon on the very familiar verses of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…” Over the years you have heard these verses repeated. If these verses in Timothy are true, and they are, we should apply them to whatever we are reading in Scripture. ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…. a. doctrine(teaching), b. for reproof(rebuke, censure, conviction), c. for correction(correction of error), d. for instruction in righteousness(acting in accordance with Gods teachings), e. (so) that the man (or woman) of God, may be complete (having reached full maturation, competent, capable to meet all demands) , f. thoroughly equipped for every good work.’ ” What about the verses that you are studying now? What are they profitable for?
LISTEN! Read the verses one last time. What is God trying to teach us in these verses? What would we have missed if this story/ these verses had not been written? What can I apply to my life today? This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all! This is why we study! Pick out one verse and hand write it out. You might even memorize it.
LESSON 2 Ephesians Lesson 2 Eph. 1:15-23 The STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Study Technique The purpose of this blog is to add additional information to the study given us in our student book.(LifeWay....Explore the Bible for Sept 12, 2010 -God's Plan Involves Power) (For those who might wish to dig-deeper.)
The outline as given by Explore the Bible series for this lesson is:
I. Pray for Spiritual Insight vs 15-17
II. Expand your knowledge vs 18-19
III. Acknowledge Gods plan vs 20-23
Stop: Pray that God will open your eyes and heart to the truths He has for you. Read the verses very slowly noting any words/concepts that you do not understand, or those that might be of special interest to you (you will research these in the next section.) Review the lesson in your student book.
LOOK! Read the verses again. Research the list of words/concepts that you noted in the STOP! section. Review the previous verses in the chapter(1-14) to see how they connect with this passage. Look ahead to the next verses to see if the theme is continued. In verses 17-20 Paul is speaking of how he prays.. List the aspects(4) of the prayer…can we pray this for others today? Can we pray this for ourselves? Do we pray for spiritual insight? Do we expect spiritual insight? Do we acknowledge Gods power in our lives? Do we “know the exceeding greatness of His power toward us…”? Summarize the idea/theme of verses 15-23. Notice the words associated with power and strength. What about this power- how does it affect you, personally, today? (As a side study read Psalm 8.) Note that verses 20-23 begin to speak of spiritual warfare which will be further discussed in Chapter 6.
LISTEN! Read the verses again. The focus on this Lesson #2 is "The Reality of God's Power."
End this study with these questions:
1. What is God trying to say to us about His power?
2. What if these verses about the power of God had been left out of recorded Scripture?
3. How can you apply the knowledge of God's power to your daily life? 4.If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior...is this the day I will come to Jesus?.
My goal as a group leader is not to spoon-feed you all the information, but to teach you to dig deep and improve you Bible Study techniques. "Bible Study" is just that...STUDY. These additional notes on my blog for each lesson are for those who want to dig-deeper in study. Ephesians is a book full of much doctrine, much 'meat.'
It is a blessing to lead this group. I ahve often said, "How do you learn Scripture? - Teach Scripture." I am learning so much by preparing these lessons. Hope they will be of help to some of you.
Our first lesson this week will cover Eph. 1:1-14.
For this lesson read your student guide, read the verses, then answer these questions:
1. These verses are deep in theology. What do you need to reasearch for a greater understanding? Do you know what 'grace' means? What is the "mystery" that Paul writes about? Etc...
2. What is God trying to say to us in these verses?
3. What if these verses had been left out of recorded Scripture?
4. Read the verses as though Paul was speaking directly to you. What can you take from these verses to apply to your life today?
The Stop! Look! Listen! Bible Study Technique (This is the outline I use when i am studying) “Bible Study” is just that – study! It is not casual, recreational reading. Bible Study is hard work. We do not have to be Biblical scholars to find out the meaning of what God has to say to us. With help of the Holy Spirit, some time, a few study techniques, and diligence, even a layperson can understand Scripture. One simple method of personal Bible Study is the “Stop – Look – Listen” technique. Many of us grew up with our parents teaching us to “Stop-Look- Listen” as we cross a busy street. This little childhood phrase can guide our steps not only across the street, but in our personal Bible Study. It is easy to remember, and we can “take it” with us anywhere!
STOP! Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to the truths in His Word. Pray for no distractions or interruptions. Get your Bible. Make note of what Bible translation are you using? Why have you chosen this translation? ( I strongly recommend that you use KJ,NKJ, or NAS) Read the verses at one sitting (if possible). Slow down and look at each word. a. Mark or list any words you do not fully understand. (If you are using a KJV you might have a longer list because of the use of the old English language). Research these words using a Bible Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, or other resource. Do not study a commentary until your personal study is complete. b. Mark any words that are of interest to you. (I always mark “because” or “for” when it means because. I mark a “P” in the margin for anything that I think is Prophecy. I mark an “I” in the margin if I see any promises to Israel. What is of interest to you?) As you study the women of the Old Testament be sure to search a concordance to see if the woman is mentioned in the New Testament, and read those verses also.
LOOK! This section is where you will spend most of your study time. Read the verses again. If your study is one of the women of Scripture: list the men associated with her life, and note how they interact with her. Getting back to our basic technique….part of crossing the street is to “Look right! Look left!” Study the verses/chapters around this story. How to the preceding events affect this story? How does this story affect the events that follow? Also….”scan the horizon.” Identify where this story took place. Find it on a map. Geography is important. Note to whom God speaks. If this is a study about a person(s), what is recorded that they said? Last year I heard a very meaningful sermon on the very familiar verses of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…” Over the years you have heard these verses repeated. If these verses in Timothy are true, and they are, we should apply them to whatever we are reading in Scripture. ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…. a. doctrine(teaching), b. for reproof(rebuke, censure, conviction), c. for correction(correction of error), d. for instruction in righteousness(acting in accordance with Gods teachings), e. (so) that the man (or woman) of God, may be complete (having reached full maturation, competent, capable to meet all demands) , f. thoroughly equipped for every good work.’ ” What about the verses that you are studying now? What are they profitable for?
LISTEN! Read the verses one last time. What is God trying to teach us in these verses? What would we have missed if this story/ these verses had not been written? What can I apply to my life today? This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all! This is why we study! Pick out one verse and hand write it out. You might even memorize it.
LESSON 2 Ephesians Lesson 2 Eph. 1:15-23 The STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Study Technique The purpose of this blog is to add additional information to the study given us in our student book.(LifeWay....Explore the Bible for Sept 12, 2010 -God's Plan Involves Power) (For those who might wish to dig-deeper.)
The outline as given by Explore the Bible series for this lesson is:
I. Pray for Spiritual Insight vs 15-17
II. Expand your knowledge vs 18-19
III. Acknowledge Gods plan vs 20-23
Stop: Pray that God will open your eyes and heart to the truths He has for you. Read the verses very slowly noting any words/concepts that you do not understand, or those that might be of special interest to you (you will research these in the next section.) Review the lesson in your student book.
LOOK! Read the verses again. Research the list of words/concepts that you noted in the STOP! section. Review the previous verses in the chapter(1-14) to see how they connect with this passage. Look ahead to the next verses to see if the theme is continued. In verses 17-20 Paul is speaking of how he prays.. List the aspects(4) of the prayer…can we pray this for others today? Can we pray this for ourselves? Do we pray for spiritual insight? Do we expect spiritual insight? Do we acknowledge Gods power in our lives? Do we “know the exceeding greatness of His power toward us…”? Summarize the idea/theme of verses 15-23. Notice the words associated with power and strength. What about this power- how does it affect you, personally, today? (As a side study read Psalm 8.) Note that verses 20-23 begin to speak of spiritual warfare which will be further discussed in Chapter 6.
LISTEN! Read the verses again. The focus on this Lesson #2 is "The Reality of God's Power."
End this study with these questions:
1. What is God trying to say to us about His power?
2. What if these verses about the power of God had been left out of recorded Scripture?
3. How can you apply the knowledge of God's power to your daily life? 4.If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior...is this the day I will come to Jesus?.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thoughts from a Friend
What can we learn from the story of the wedding in Cana to apply to our lives today?
From my friend Betty Newman in Knoxville TN (used with her permission)
Jesus said to them, "Fill the waterpots with water" And they filled them up to the brim (emphasis added). John 2:7
You know the story - Jesus is at a wedding in Cana and they've run out of wine. His mother (who apparently was helping with the guests) told Jesus about it. After some discussion between mother and Son (which we won't take time to get into right now) she said to the servants "Do whatever He tells you to do."
This scripture (verse 7) indicates that not only did they do what He told them, but they did the job completely - filling them "to the brim." They didn't know why He was asking them to do this. They simply responded. Then, when the steward tasted the wine, he saw that it was the best wine of all.
So we ask, "What's in your Waterbucket?" When Jesus sets you off on your (mundane, so it seems) task, do you do it to the best of your ability? Do you "fill it 'to the brim'," or do you just sorta fill it, because, "hey, this bucket's heavy!" and "What's being out of wine have to do with these 'waterbuckets' anyway?"
How we do the job to which we've been called (mundane, though it seems at times) is how we respond to the Master's calling. When others dip from our waterbucket, is it "the best wine, ever!" or is it just insipid water? But noteĆ¢€¦ the servants didn't get the credit for the wine. They did the work, but the glory (verse 11) went to Jesus.
Are you willing to "do all the work" and let Jesus get the glory?
Prayer:Father, I lift up each of us as we "do our work" (mundane, though it seems at times) and pray that You will give us grace and strength to fill our waterbuckets "to the brim." I pray that in all that we do, the Name of Jesus will be glorified, and that the needs of others (that we are called to meet) will be met. In Jesus' Name - Amen.
(Thanks Betty for the thoughts- they spoke to my heart)
From my friend Betty Newman in Knoxville TN (used with her permission)
Jesus said to them, "Fill the waterpots with water" And they filled them up to the brim (emphasis added). John 2:7
You know the story - Jesus is at a wedding in Cana and they've run out of wine. His mother (who apparently was helping with the guests) told Jesus about it. After some discussion between mother and Son (which we won't take time to get into right now) she said to the servants "Do whatever He tells you to do."
This scripture (verse 7) indicates that not only did they do what He told them, but they did the job completely - filling them "to the brim." They didn't know why He was asking them to do this. They simply responded. Then, when the steward tasted the wine, he saw that it was the best wine of all.
So we ask, "What's in your Waterbucket?" When Jesus sets you off on your (mundane, so it seems) task, do you do it to the best of your ability? Do you "fill it 'to the brim'," or do you just sorta fill it, because, "hey, this bucket's heavy!" and "What's being out of wine have to do with these 'waterbuckets' anyway?"
How we do the job to which we've been called (mundane, though it seems at times) is how we respond to the Master's calling. When others dip from our waterbucket, is it "the best wine, ever!" or is it just insipid water? But noteĆ¢€¦ the servants didn't get the credit for the wine. They did the work, but the glory (verse 11) went to Jesus.
Are you willing to "do all the work" and let Jesus get the glory?
Prayer:Father, I lift up each of us as we "do our work" (mundane, though it seems at times) and pray that You will give us grace and strength to fill our waterbuckets "to the brim." I pray that in all that we do, the Name of Jesus will be glorified, and that the needs of others (that we are called to meet) will be met. In Jesus' Name - Amen.
(Thanks Betty for the thoughts- they spoke to my heart)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Random Thoughts - How We Spend Our Time
I have to ask myself: What is the focus of my life? What are my habits? What are my hobbies?
You too….What do you read? What do you spend time doing? What is/are your hobbies? What conferences or workshops might you attend?
How do we spend our time that indicates our interests?
If think about my friends and my own habits, I might list; The local football team, quilting, walking every day, watching tv, writing, reading fiction, conferences to advance a career. Yes, much ministry to others. Shopping is a recurring theme. Caring for grandchildren.
Someone once said that to see the focus of your life…look in your checkbook (pretty old fashioned now), or you bank statement and see where you have written checks.
I believe my fiends and I are pretty run-of-the-mill women. I am not super-spiritual but it is my habit to get into the Word at least an hour most days. It is my habit. It is my “hobby’; sorry if that sounds disrespectful to God’s Word.
I believe that I have NO EXCUSE not to be in the Word every day. I am retired with no family. I have much time on my hands. I have NO EXCUSE not to be in God’s Word every day.
I look around me at some of my friends, and the ladies in church. Many are retired and fill their time with luncheons, social networking on the computer, tv, and reading the latest romance novel. Several complain that they have ‘nothing to do’ and that the world is passing them by – they are bored, etc… I am amazed. Precious time wasted when they could being doing something constructive.
One of my friends, with a husband and grown son living with her….is bored with life. The only time she seems happy is when she is “hanging out with a friend’ as she calls it. Good grief…she is 69 years old, has a home, husband and children…and is bored with life, and only happy when she is ‘tied to the hip’ with one of her friends.
Obviously she has some major issues at home…but….she still could find something constructive to do. Maybe spending time in the Word, and time with her husband would help.
The point of all this rambling is… as Christians we need to be in God’s Word. We need to learn about God, and learn how He wants us to live….even as senior adults.(I am really bothered by senior adults who say…I have studied it al before, I know it all already.”
With all the free time in the life of most seniors who are complaining….. what about spending time in Gods Word? There is great comfort in Gods’ Word. There is great insight in Gods’ Word. There is drawing closer to our Father in God’s Word.
Why is spending time in Gods’ Word, the last thing most people think about as a way to spend time. Hobbies. Shopping. Out with the girls….there is nothing wrong with all this but then…in Sunday School class, when the teacher asks, “ok who studied the lesson for the week?” very few hands go up.
It is a shame. I am sure it is a sin. God says that we are to be good stewards of our time. What about the minutes…hours…that we can never take back; that are lost. What about spending time in God’s Word?
Ok, someone will say…not everyone can read. “Can” read is the key. Most of us can read and understand. We just chose not to.
Someone will say…”I don’t like to read.” Too bad…get over it… You don’t want to see what God has to say to you? Gods Word is written for us. Too bad if you don’t like to read…do you want to hear from God?
Prayer can be a great part of wanting to be in the Word. Just pray and ask God to make you want to read His Word…but mean it.
I remember many years ago…I remember the exact place, the exact moment that I prayed, “Oh God please help me. I know you want me to read your Word. I just cannot understand, much-less, like, the Old Testament. Please God give me a heart to read the Old Testament.”
Little did I did I know what I was praying. Since that time I have been in the Word every day, much of it in the Old Testament.
Also since that day I have been back to school. At the age of 55 I studied and received my “MRS”.. Masters in Religious Science…and, at the age of 60, my “D.MIN”, Doctorate in Ministry (with emphasis in the Bible). I did not take these courses with the idea of a career…I took these courses for my own understanding…and God has greatly blessed me.
When we are children we are forced to go to school. We are forced to study to pass exams and to get our diploma. As adults we are on our own. No one can force us to sit down and open the Word of God. What a shame!
You too….What do you read? What do you spend time doing? What is/are your hobbies? What conferences or workshops might you attend?
How do we spend our time that indicates our interests?
If think about my friends and my own habits, I might list; The local football team, quilting, walking every day, watching tv, writing, reading fiction, conferences to advance a career. Yes, much ministry to others. Shopping is a recurring theme. Caring for grandchildren.
Someone once said that to see the focus of your life…look in your checkbook (pretty old fashioned now), or you bank statement and see where you have written checks.
I believe my fiends and I are pretty run-of-the-mill women. I am not super-spiritual but it is my habit to get into the Word at least an hour most days. It is my habit. It is my “hobby’; sorry if that sounds disrespectful to God’s Word.
I believe that I have NO EXCUSE not to be in the Word every day. I am retired with no family. I have much time on my hands. I have NO EXCUSE not to be in God’s Word every day.
I look around me at some of my friends, and the ladies in church. Many are retired and fill their time with luncheons, social networking on the computer, tv, and reading the latest romance novel. Several complain that they have ‘nothing to do’ and that the world is passing them by – they are bored, etc… I am amazed. Precious time wasted when they could being doing something constructive.
One of my friends, with a husband and grown son living with her….is bored with life. The only time she seems happy is when she is “hanging out with a friend’ as she calls it. Good grief…she is 69 years old, has a home, husband and children…and is bored with life, and only happy when she is ‘tied to the hip’ with one of her friends.
Obviously she has some major issues at home…but….she still could find something constructive to do. Maybe spending time in the Word, and time with her husband would help.
The point of all this rambling is… as Christians we need to be in God’s Word. We need to learn about God, and learn how He wants us to live….even as senior adults.(I am really bothered by senior adults who say…I have studied it al before, I know it all already.”
With all the free time in the life of most seniors who are complaining….. what about spending time in Gods Word? There is great comfort in Gods’ Word. There is great insight in Gods’ Word. There is drawing closer to our Father in God’s Word.
Why is spending time in Gods’ Word, the last thing most people think about as a way to spend time. Hobbies. Shopping. Out with the girls….there is nothing wrong with all this but then…in Sunday School class, when the teacher asks, “ok who studied the lesson for the week?” very few hands go up.
It is a shame. I am sure it is a sin. God says that we are to be good stewards of our time. What about the minutes…hours…that we can never take back; that are lost. What about spending time in God’s Word?
Ok, someone will say…not everyone can read. “Can” read is the key. Most of us can read and understand. We just chose not to.
Someone will say…”I don’t like to read.” Too bad…get over it… You don’t want to see what God has to say to you? Gods Word is written for us. Too bad if you don’t like to read…do you want to hear from God?
Prayer can be a great part of wanting to be in the Word. Just pray and ask God to make you want to read His Word…but mean it.
I remember many years ago…I remember the exact place, the exact moment that I prayed, “Oh God please help me. I know you want me to read your Word. I just cannot understand, much-less, like, the Old Testament. Please God give me a heart to read the Old Testament.”
Little did I did I know what I was praying. Since that time I have been in the Word every day, much of it in the Old Testament.
Also since that day I have been back to school. At the age of 55 I studied and received my “MRS”.. Masters in Religious Science…and, at the age of 60, my “D.MIN”, Doctorate in Ministry (with emphasis in the Bible). I did not take these courses with the idea of a career…I took these courses for my own understanding…and God has greatly blessed me.
When we are children we are forced to go to school. We are forced to study to pass exams and to get our diploma. As adults we are on our own. No one can force us to sit down and open the Word of God. What a shame!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Random Thoughts...Why Go to Church?
I heard an interesting sermon on the radio this week. The preacher was saying that if we were listening on the radio for spiritual uplifting and guidance, to be sure that we are also going to church. He commented that Scripture speaks of "hearing the word of God, and that that probably means 'first hand hearing.'
I agree with his comments that just listening to the radio, tv, dvd or audio tapes to get the Word of God is not sufficient. Yes we have the technology...but God seems to have meant for us to group together and hear the Word directly from the man of God.
Yes when Scripture was written there was no technology...and some will say, 'Well now we have the technology to hear the greatest preachers in the world on our own radio." True...I love Dr. Jeremiah and Dr. Stanley, but I think God means for me to actually go into a House of Worship and join with others to sing praises, give, and hear the message. (I am pretty sure that Dr. J and Dr. S. would say the same thing.)
For me ...I cannot "worship and praise" very effectively away from the House of God. Oh yes, occasionally I can...but I think when I am surrounded by other beievers, and when 'God shows up"....this is the way it is meant to be.
One reason for not attending worship... "I can't find a church", a common theme Believe me in the past six years I have moved around quite a bit and know the difficulty in some towns of finding a church 'I liked.' Yet deep in my spirit I knew that God did want me to join together with other Christians...to learn from them, to be blessed by them, and to be a blessing to them in return.
In one city in Nevada, after several month of searching and not finding 'what I liked,' I was drawn to a church where the pastor did preach a truthful sermon...but he was sure boring!!! I struggled NOT to go back, but finally gave in and joined...feeling that God wanted me there.
I decided to listen to the words of this man of God, and not to his delivery. He was a good, kind, sweet shephard to the people...but really not what I was used to hearing..the firebrands of the south...this man was soft in vocal tone and a bit disorganized...but his message did come through.
I was there for a year till I moved out of town. I know God wanted me there. I did hear messages from God. I was blessed by knowing the people, and I am sure I was a blessing to a few people.
Why actually walk into a church when you can listen on the radio or watch TV? I think God wants us to come together.
I agree with his comments that just listening to the radio, tv, dvd or audio tapes to get the Word of God is not sufficient. Yes we have the technology...but God seems to have meant for us to group together and hear the Word directly from the man of God.
Yes when Scripture was written there was no technology...and some will say, 'Well now we have the technology to hear the greatest preachers in the world on our own radio." True...I love Dr. Jeremiah and Dr. Stanley, but I think God means for me to actually go into a House of Worship and join with others to sing praises, give, and hear the message. (I am pretty sure that Dr. J and Dr. S. would say the same thing.)
For me ...I cannot "worship and praise" very effectively away from the House of God. Oh yes, occasionally I can...but I think when I am surrounded by other beievers, and when 'God shows up"....this is the way it is meant to be.
One reason for not attending worship... "I can't find a church", a common theme Believe me in the past six years I have moved around quite a bit and know the difficulty in some towns of finding a church 'I liked.' Yet deep in my spirit I knew that God did want me to join together with other Christians...to learn from them, to be blessed by them, and to be a blessing to them in return.
In one city in Nevada, after several month of searching and not finding 'what I liked,' I was drawn to a church where the pastor did preach a truthful sermon...but he was sure boring!!! I struggled NOT to go back, but finally gave in and joined...feeling that God wanted me there.
I decided to listen to the words of this man of God, and not to his delivery. He was a good, kind, sweet shephard to the people...but really not what I was used to hearing..the firebrands of the south...this man was soft in vocal tone and a bit disorganized...but his message did come through.
I was there for a year till I moved out of town. I know God wanted me there. I did hear messages from God. I was blessed by knowing the people, and I am sure I was a blessing to a few people.
Why actually walk into a church when you can listen on the radio or watch TV? I think God wants us to come together.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Random Thoughts....
I awakened this morning thinking about Scripture.
With the environment of the world today so anti-God we must know not only what we believe, but why we believe it. I asked myself, "Why do you believe what you read in Scripture?" There are many reasons that I believe my Bible, but this morning I focused on one.
I remember before I became a believer that I questioned the Bible and felt that it was just another book...like the Koran....like the Book of Mormon - written by one man with one agenda. Boy was I wrong!
I now know that the Bible is a collection of 66 books written by a variety of men, over a time span of thousands of years....yet with one common thread and theme. From Genesis to Revelation the theme is the Holiness of God, the sinfulness of mankind, the salvation offered by Jesus and that in the end...it would all end....and we would go on to eternity with God...or without God. A common thread that agrees over the thousands of years...that is amazing!
How could so many men, over so many years, write the same thing? That alone is worth believing that the book is true.
My dear father was not a believer (as far as I know). I remember a conversation I had with him several years before he died. I was a new Christian, and trying to share the gospel with him. He started his argument with the unreliability of the Bible. When I said, "It says in Scripture.." or "Because the Bible says..." he would laugh. He finally said..."that book was written by a bunch of Jews who just wanted the Jews to look good....Jesus was a Jew...they just wanted to make him look good."
The most wrong thing about what dad said was that the book made the Jews "look good." The only Jewish person that looks good in Scripture is Jesus! The rest of the Jews in the book are flawed and full of sin, like the rest of us...they hardly 'look good."
Unchurched people have no idea what the Bible is all about, or how we got the Bible. Most Christians do not know either.
Going back to my original thought this morning...how amazing our book is!!! Sixty six different books written over a time span of thousands of years, written by such a variety of men...with the very same theme...that is amazing. That to me is one of the most important proofs that the book we read, and the book on which I base my life, here and for eternity is the Holy Word of God, and true.
I doubt that you could find 66 books on any other one topic that would line up and agree like Scripture does. Law? Medicine? Cooking? Sewing? New Age Philosophy? Diet Books? What about even 66 books on the life of one person? ...see what I mean...
We are not reading books that have had a manufactured date on them to make history come out a certain way. We do have proof of the age of many of the books. No we do not have the original writings by the original authors, but we have scrolls (copies) that date back thousands of years that match up almost word for word with the Bible we carry to church each Sunday. AMAZING!!!
These "Bible" scrolls are much earlier than the Koran or the Book of Morman - which goes back to my original thought...our Bible is not the idea of one man, not the commands of one man....many men over many years, directed by God said the same thing over and over and over. We do not have just one mans thoughts, but many men over many years... again to me this is great proof that our Bible is authentic.
I just mentioned another reason I believe our Scripture is true. Over and over in Scripture is says..."this is the Word of God," or "God said." This is the Word of God....I better quit now and close down the computer ....and get into my copy of the Word of God.
If I believe it is the Word of God....I need to turn off this computer and get into the Word of God...
Just heard another great sermon on the car radio....by a preacher here in Knoxville. His theme was..."What is the story of your life?"
If you were to write a story of your life...not with labels such as "I was a Christian..etc.." but with a summary of the actions in your life....what would it say?
The preacher started with that thought..then quickly went into....what would your story say about how you served God with your life? How did your life fit into the plan of God, and the advancement of His Kingdom?
He ended with...it is not too late to change the them of your summary. Today we can make our actions count toward "God's Plan"...today we can make adjustments to 'our story' from here on in....to serve our LORD and be part of the completion of His plan.
Wow!!! What a thought.
With the environment of the world today so anti-God we must know not only what we believe, but why we believe it. I asked myself, "Why do you believe what you read in Scripture?" There are many reasons that I believe my Bible, but this morning I focused on one.
I remember before I became a believer that I questioned the Bible and felt that it was just another book...like the Koran....like the Book of Mormon - written by one man with one agenda. Boy was I wrong!
I now know that the Bible is a collection of 66 books written by a variety of men, over a time span of thousands of years....yet with one common thread and theme. From Genesis to Revelation the theme is the Holiness of God, the sinfulness of mankind, the salvation offered by Jesus and that in the end...it would all end....and we would go on to eternity with God...or without God. A common thread that agrees over the thousands of years...that is amazing!
How could so many men, over so many years, write the same thing? That alone is worth believing that the book is true.
My dear father was not a believer (as far as I know). I remember a conversation I had with him several years before he died. I was a new Christian, and trying to share the gospel with him. He started his argument with the unreliability of the Bible. When I said, "It says in Scripture.." or "Because the Bible says..." he would laugh. He finally said..."that book was written by a bunch of Jews who just wanted the Jews to look good....Jesus was a Jew...they just wanted to make him look good."
The most wrong thing about what dad said was that the book made the Jews "look good." The only Jewish person that looks good in Scripture is Jesus! The rest of the Jews in the book are flawed and full of sin, like the rest of us...they hardly 'look good."
Unchurched people have no idea what the Bible is all about, or how we got the Bible. Most Christians do not know either.
Going back to my original thought this morning...how amazing our book is!!! Sixty six different books written over a time span of thousands of years, written by such a variety of men...with the very same theme...that is amazing. That to me is one of the most important proofs that the book we read, and the book on which I base my life, here and for eternity is the Holy Word of God, and true.
I doubt that you could find 66 books on any other one topic that would line up and agree like Scripture does. Law? Medicine? Cooking? Sewing? New Age Philosophy? Diet Books? What about even 66 books on the life of one person? ...see what I mean...
We are not reading books that have had a manufactured date on them to make history come out a certain way. We do have proof of the age of many of the books. No we do not have the original writings by the original authors, but we have scrolls (copies) that date back thousands of years that match up almost word for word with the Bible we carry to church each Sunday. AMAZING!!!
These "Bible" scrolls are much earlier than the Koran or the Book of Morman - which goes back to my original thought...our Bible is not the idea of one man, not the commands of one man....many men over many years, directed by God said the same thing over and over and over. We do not have just one mans thoughts, but many men over many years... again to me this is great proof that our Bible is authentic.
I just mentioned another reason I believe our Scripture is true. Over and over in Scripture is says..."this is the Word of God," or "God said." This is the Word of God....I better quit now and close down the computer ....and get into my copy of the Word of God.
If I believe it is the Word of God....I need to turn off this computer and get into the Word of God...
Just heard another great sermon on the car radio....by a preacher here in Knoxville. His theme was..."What is the story of your life?"
If you were to write a story of your life...not with labels such as "I was a Christian..etc.." but with a summary of the actions in your life....what would it say?
The preacher started with that thought..then quickly went into....what would your story say about how you served God with your life? How did your life fit into the plan of God, and the advancement of His Kingdom?
He ended with...it is not too late to change the them of your summary. Today we can make our actions count toward "God's Plan"...today we can make adjustments to 'our story' from here on in....to serve our LORD and be part of the completion of His plan.
Wow!!! What a thought.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Random Thoughts....Caring for Our Temple
Over the past year I have seen a recurring theme among my Christian friends and am mulling it over. If we say, and believe, that our bodies are the Temple of God, why do we not take better care of them?
Ya Ya I know. I too do not take care of my body by the things I eat and the extra weight I carry. That is pretty common, not right, but common.
What I have been seeing over the past year is Christians ignoring major physical problems – not going to the doctor for treatment, or refusing treatment when recommended by a health professional. We do have ‘choice,’ but we also have a responsibility to care for the bodies God has given us.
If we believe that our body is the Temple of God should we not keep it repaired? We are stewards of all He has given us...our bodies too. If the roof of our church or home was falling down and in need of repair we probably would take care of it…what about God’s temple, our bodies?
One friend of mine has had a major orthopedic problem for over a year and has refused to let the surgeons correct it. Now it has reached the point that other symptoms are evident, caused by the first condition, and she probably will need treatment on another area of her body. Over the year she has missed out on several events, numerous church services, and a lot of fun….because of her problem.
Two friends of mine have had cardiac problems. Fear has caused them to both delay treatment. One has been treated and is doing fine. The other is now finally scheduling surgery…she could have dropped over at any time with a stroke all these years because she would not take care of herself.
One friend had a serious bladder situation (in fact she said it felt like her bladder was going to fall out of her body…) and waited over 12 hours to begin taking prescribed antibiotics. Twelve hours is a looooong time when you are a senior adult with an infection.
Another friend had a serious, serious gyn problem and ignored it for several days. Only after my nagging her, and scaring her with all the possibilities of what might be wrong did she finally see her physician.
I may be sensitive to this issue of ignoring physical symptoms for two reasons, one is that I am a retired nurse and have seen it all…and……my niece ignored a breast mass for a year, and when she finally went to the doctor it was Stage 4 breast cancer. She died last month. I often wonder if the outcome might have been different if she had taken care of it right away.
A year of seeing my friends with these ailments has made me sort of sick-to-my-stomach at their neglect for their own bodies.
But getting back to basics. If we believe that God, the Holy Spirit lives in us, and we are the temple of God….shouldn’t we take better care of ourselves? (I am speaking to myself too).
Yes our Lord does perform miracles...but I am pretty sure He wants us to take care of ourselves too!
Ya Ya I know. I too do not take care of my body by the things I eat and the extra weight I carry. That is pretty common, not right, but common.
What I have been seeing over the past year is Christians ignoring major physical problems – not going to the doctor for treatment, or refusing treatment when recommended by a health professional. We do have ‘choice,’ but we also have a responsibility to care for the bodies God has given us.
If we believe that our body is the Temple of God should we not keep it repaired? We are stewards of all He has given us...our bodies too. If the roof of our church or home was falling down and in need of repair we probably would take care of it…what about God’s temple, our bodies?
One friend of mine has had a major orthopedic problem for over a year and has refused to let the surgeons correct it. Now it has reached the point that other symptoms are evident, caused by the first condition, and she probably will need treatment on another area of her body. Over the year she has missed out on several events, numerous church services, and a lot of fun….because of her problem.
Two friends of mine have had cardiac problems. Fear has caused them to both delay treatment. One has been treated and is doing fine. The other is now finally scheduling surgery…she could have dropped over at any time with a stroke all these years because she would not take care of herself.
One friend had a serious bladder situation (in fact she said it felt like her bladder was going to fall out of her body…) and waited over 12 hours to begin taking prescribed antibiotics. Twelve hours is a looooong time when you are a senior adult with an infection.
Another friend had a serious, serious gyn problem and ignored it for several days. Only after my nagging her, and scaring her with all the possibilities of what might be wrong did she finally see her physician.
I may be sensitive to this issue of ignoring physical symptoms for two reasons, one is that I am a retired nurse and have seen it all…and……my niece ignored a breast mass for a year, and when she finally went to the doctor it was Stage 4 breast cancer. She died last month. I often wonder if the outcome might have been different if she had taken care of it right away.
A year of seeing my friends with these ailments has made me sort of sick-to-my-stomach at their neglect for their own bodies.
But getting back to basics. If we believe that God, the Holy Spirit lives in us, and we are the temple of God….shouldn’t we take better care of ourselves? (I am speaking to myself too).
Yes our Lord does perform miracles...but I am pretty sure He wants us to take care of ourselves too!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A New Focus for our Prayers
Much of our daily life is all about, ‘What’s in it for me?” Really. We do need to focus on our own needs to live, eat, work, and deal with life. Even as Christians we really do have to think about our own needs most of the time.
But what about our Christian life? Are there hidden aspects of our life that focus on us, and our needs? Maybe things we never thought about as being “man centered’ and not “God centered?”
In my life I have had these thoughts lately. What about in my prayer life? Is it all about me? Is it all about human need, and not about more spiritual things?
Before you read any further….stop and think…how do you pray? How do you pray when you are concerned about someone needing salvation?...... Think about it for a moment. How do you pray for that person’s salvation?
Some sample prayers might be…
“Oh God save Edgar, Don’t let him go to hell. Call him to Yourself.”
What about our prayers for strangers…yes you should pray for strangers….lets see, I have prayed… “Oh God let that man over there with the green-dyed hair, tattoos and ten body piercing be saved. He needs Jesus too. He should not spend eternity in hell.”
What about how we pray for our church… “Oh God send more people to our church. Fill the pews. Let many people hear our wonderful pastor give the gospel message so clearly and powerfully so they can be saved.”
These are wonderful prayers. We should prayer for our loved ones, strangers and our church. These are typical prayers. There is nothing wrong with these prayers. But…..its all about the human need. Lately I have been convicted in my own life that maybe I have the wrong focus….
Maybe the focus of our prayer needs to be toward what’s in it for God, not what’s in it for man. It really is all about God, and not about us. (Now what does that mean?). When Jesus gave us the model prayer it started out all about God….Hallowed be thy name, Thy will be done…for Thine is the kingdom the power and the glory….
Perhaps our prayers should be something like…
“Oh God call Edgar to Yourself so that he will be saved and he will worship You. You are worthy of our worship.”
“Oh God call that man with the green hair to Yourself. You are worthy to be worshipped.”
“Oh God bring people into our church to be saved to worship You.”
I must remind myself, Jeanne, it is not about us, it is about God. It is all about God being worthy of our worship. Yes He will save us and take us with Him to eternity. Yes people will escape hell…but its more about how worthy God is than our need. It’s all about God and not about us.
Until we come to the saving knowledge of God, until we are saved, we cannot really worship the ONE who is worthy of worship. He desires our worship. That is why He made us.
So my prayers might be focused … “Oh God, please call my unsaved family to You. You are worthy of worship. They need to worship You. Save them so they can bend their knee and worship You.”
Its not about us, it’s about Him. Its not about what’s in it for us as humans(saving us from an eternity separated from Him,) its about what’s in it for Him – our worship!
But what about our Christian life? Are there hidden aspects of our life that focus on us, and our needs? Maybe things we never thought about as being “man centered’ and not “God centered?”
In my life I have had these thoughts lately. What about in my prayer life? Is it all about me? Is it all about human need, and not about more spiritual things?
Before you read any further….stop and think…how do you pray? How do you pray when you are concerned about someone needing salvation?...... Think about it for a moment. How do you pray for that person’s salvation?
Some sample prayers might be…
“Oh God save Edgar, Don’t let him go to hell. Call him to Yourself.”
What about our prayers for strangers…yes you should pray for strangers….lets see, I have prayed… “Oh God let that man over there with the green-dyed hair, tattoos and ten body piercing be saved. He needs Jesus too. He should not spend eternity in hell.”
What about how we pray for our church… “Oh God send more people to our church. Fill the pews. Let many people hear our wonderful pastor give the gospel message so clearly and powerfully so they can be saved.”
These are wonderful prayers. We should prayer for our loved ones, strangers and our church. These are typical prayers. There is nothing wrong with these prayers. But…..its all about the human need. Lately I have been convicted in my own life that maybe I have the wrong focus….
Maybe the focus of our prayer needs to be toward what’s in it for God, not what’s in it for man. It really is all about God, and not about us. (Now what does that mean?). When Jesus gave us the model prayer it started out all about God….Hallowed be thy name, Thy will be done…for Thine is the kingdom the power and the glory….
Perhaps our prayers should be something like…
“Oh God call Edgar to Yourself so that he will be saved and he will worship You. You are worthy of our worship.”
“Oh God call that man with the green hair to Yourself. You are worthy to be worshipped.”
“Oh God bring people into our church to be saved to worship You.”
I must remind myself, Jeanne, it is not about us, it is about God. It is all about God being worthy of our worship. Yes He will save us and take us with Him to eternity. Yes people will escape hell…but its more about how worthy God is than our need. It’s all about God and not about us.
Until we come to the saving knowledge of God, until we are saved, we cannot really worship the ONE who is worthy of worship. He desires our worship. That is why He made us.
So my prayers might be focused … “Oh God, please call my unsaved family to You. You are worthy of worship. They need to worship You. Save them so they can bend their knee and worship You.”
Its not about us, it’s about Him. Its not about what’s in it for us as humans(saving us from an eternity separated from Him,) its about what’s in it for Him – our worship!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Random Thoughts - “Everyone Ain’t Got Here Yet!!”
I was standing in a long line at WalMart today, people around me were complaining of the busy morning and so few cash registers opened. Someone up front must have complained that a few more aisles needed to be open because the cashier at the ‘end’ of my line said in a loud voice say…”Everyone ain’t got here yet!”
Hearing her say that so loudly sort of startled me. Those words began to go round-and-round in my brain for some reason. Was it just the bad grammar? Was it just the forcefulness of her attitude? Or was it the words themselves telling me a message?
Everyone ain’t got here yet! Now the grammar is not the best(!), but could I imagine God saying those words…and why would He say them? I began to think.
So many of us are speaking of these days possibly being the ‘end times.’ We speak of the rapture. One of my favorite sayings (which most of my friends reading this will know as they read this) is.. “Come back Jesus and get us out of this mess!!”
Scripture says no one knows the exact day or time Jesus will return. Scripture says many scoff at the idea of His returning. I am one of those who know that Jesus is coming back…and I hope He is coming back very soon. But why not right now Lord? When will it be time? Isn’t the world in a mess as never before - and it is time to come and get Your children?
Everyone ain’t got here yet Jeanne!
God knows the exact moment in time of the return of our Lord and Savior. Perhaps He is just waiting for that ‘last one’ to die a natural death before the rapture.
Now when I get anxious to ‘go home’ and ask “When are You coming back for us Lord,” I will remember the words of that cashier at Walmart today. Maybe the answer is:
“Everyone ain’t got here yet Jeanne!
Important Question: Will you come to Jesus today?
Come back Jesus and get us out of this mess!!
Hearing her say that so loudly sort of startled me. Those words began to go round-and-round in my brain for some reason. Was it just the bad grammar? Was it just the forcefulness of her attitude? Or was it the words themselves telling me a message?
Everyone ain’t got here yet! Now the grammar is not the best(!), but could I imagine God saying those words…and why would He say them? I began to think.
So many of us are speaking of these days possibly being the ‘end times.’ We speak of the rapture. One of my favorite sayings (which most of my friends reading this will know as they read this) is.. “Come back Jesus and get us out of this mess!!”
Scripture says no one knows the exact day or time Jesus will return. Scripture says many scoff at the idea of His returning. I am one of those who know that Jesus is coming back…and I hope He is coming back very soon. But why not right now Lord? When will it be time? Isn’t the world in a mess as never before - and it is time to come and get Your children?
Everyone ain’t got here yet Jeanne!
God knows the exact moment in time of the return of our Lord and Savior. Perhaps He is just waiting for that ‘last one’ to die a natural death before the rapture.
Now when I get anxious to ‘go home’ and ask “When are You coming back for us Lord,” I will remember the words of that cashier at Walmart today. Maybe the answer is:
“Everyone ain’t got here yet Jeanne!
Important Question: Will you come to Jesus today?
Come back Jesus and get us out of this mess!!
Random Thoughts - One Verse Explains So Much
One verse in the Bible has been on my mind this week - one most of us have heard, or said... "the love of money is the root of all evil."
I began to think of it in context of the book of the Revelation. We are studying it at Fairview, and the Pastor mentioned that as we read Revelation, in many of the chapters we see the emphesis on the economy. The end chapters speak of how the merchants and kings grieve when Babylon has fallen because of their riches. Babylon may indicate an economic system in the end times. Money and wealth the focus over spiritual things. It seems like that day is coming.
As I look around me, and at my own life, I can see how things and money seem to be a big focus...and how easily we could all begin to 'worship' materialism! "The love of money is the root of all evil" begins to make more sense in view of the 'end times'
I also see this verse and how the love of money and things is overtaking our lives in the way we VOTE. Many of us vote for the person that will best take care of us. The person that will give us more. The person that will keep us rich or make us even more wealthy.
We don't vote for people that will lead this country back to our Christian roots. Good, solid, pure hearted Christians vote with our wallets.....the love of money is the root of all evil. What evil?
Just look around at what our politicians are doing...and we voted for them so that we can keep our money. Because of our love for money...more abortion...a country that condones homosexuality....a country that won't pray or permit Bible reading in school....etc... all because we voted for people on the local and national level who will keep our wallets full. These same people are the ones who seem to lead us away from Christian living.
I had someone tell me today that she would NEVER vote again in any election because she had been duped into voting for someone who was not what she thought. She had even changed 'parties' for the first time in her life, in hopes of a brighter future for this country. When I asked her why she had voted for this person, she said, "I needed to know that my house taxes would stay low. I was tryinig to protect my property." Now she is says she is so discouraged she won't vote again.
"The love of money is the root of all evil" may be one of the most important verses in Scripture. I am going to watch my own actions and attidudes very closely. None of us is immune from letting money rule our lives.
Yes....'the love of money may be the root of all evil."
I began to think of it in context of the book of the Revelation. We are studying it at Fairview, and the Pastor mentioned that as we read Revelation, in many of the chapters we see the emphesis on the economy. The end chapters speak of how the merchants and kings grieve when Babylon has fallen because of their riches. Babylon may indicate an economic system in the end times. Money and wealth the focus over spiritual things. It seems like that day is coming.
As I look around me, and at my own life, I can see how things and money seem to be a big focus...and how easily we could all begin to 'worship' materialism! "The love of money is the root of all evil" begins to make more sense in view of the 'end times'
I also see this verse and how the love of money and things is overtaking our lives in the way we VOTE. Many of us vote for the person that will best take care of us. The person that will give us more. The person that will keep us rich or make us even more wealthy.
We don't vote for people that will lead this country back to our Christian roots. Good, solid, pure hearted Christians vote with our wallets.....the love of money is the root of all evil. What evil?
Just look around at what our politicians are doing...and we voted for them so that we can keep our money. Because of our love for money...more abortion...a country that condones homosexuality....a country that won't pray or permit Bible reading in school....etc... all because we voted for people on the local and national level who will keep our wallets full. These same people are the ones who seem to lead us away from Christian living.
I had someone tell me today that she would NEVER vote again in any election because she had been duped into voting for someone who was not what she thought. She had even changed 'parties' for the first time in her life, in hopes of a brighter future for this country. When I asked her why she had voted for this person, she said, "I needed to know that my house taxes would stay low. I was tryinig to protect my property." Now she is says she is so discouraged she won't vote again.
"The love of money is the root of all evil" may be one of the most important verses in Scripture. I am going to watch my own actions and attidudes very closely. None of us is immune from letting money rule our lives.
Yes....'the love of money may be the root of all evil."
Sunday, August 29, 2010
My Testimony
I have been asked to give my testimony for a women's Sunday School class this week. Next month I will give my testimony to a Senior Adult gathering. For some, beging asked to give your testimony is a frightening thought. They do not know the 'mechanics' of presenting a logical and meaningful story, or they cannot even really put together the facts of their own salvation experience to present it.
I have been blessed to have been trained in the proper steps to give a testimony, and I have had a significant salvation experience that it is easy for me to tell the story. I know the exact moment in time that I was born again. I rejoice in the grace of the LORD, and His forgiveness.
The "mechanics" of a testimony??? It can be easy if you remember a three step outline:
I. Before - your life before you were saved
II. During - what happend at the point of being born again - an event, a time, etc...
III. After - How your life has changed since you were born again.
(I was trained to know that a good testimony only takes about five minutes to tell before people get bored. On paper I can go into more detail.)
I grew up in a "Christian" home. My parentes send us three girls to Sunday School every week. Sometimes they would attend church themselves...most of the time they just dropped us off. My mother seemed like the one who wanted us to be in church.
I have fond memories of Sunday School and the summer activities of church. I don't think they called it VBS the...way back in the 50's.
At the age of 11 I was baptized. My sisters, age 9 were baptized. I know now that, I can only speak for myself, it meant nothing. My mother wanted us baptized. I remember her having a heated discussion with our pastor that we three girls needed to be baptized. He did not seem to want us baptized. I didn't understand his objection then...now I do.
We were baptized because she wanted us baptized. I really didn't understand that I was a sinner in need of salvation. It meant nothing to us. Nothing more than a nice ceremony, getting dressed up in cute little white dresses, and having a family celebration afterward. I thought I was a Christian.
My mother died about a year later. We never went back to church again. BUT....
I thought I was a Christian all my life.
I thought I was a Christian by attending church on only Easter and Christmas.
I thought I was a Christian because I kept a Bible by my bed.
I thought I was a Christian because I loved God and knew who Jesus was.
I thought I was a Christian because I prayed when I needed something. I prayed when I was afraid, or when I saw something disturbing that I didn't understand in the world.
I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.
I became a nurse. I went to church to pray when I saw some terrible thing happen - a patient that was very ill - a terrible accident - someone disfigured. I remember seeing a man cut in half in an accident. He had a surgical procedure called a 'hemicorporectomy' - half body. Right after the surgery I left the operating room and went to the chapel and prayed. I remember being so sad for this man. I just didn't underestand the ugliness and horror that life could bring. I felt the need to pray. I was drawn to God in my need. I didn't underestand when this man died a few days later.
I thought I was a Christian while I sat in bars and was a 'wild women' in the 60"s. I thought I was being spiritual when I would wear a large, ornate crucifix around my neck as jewelry - while I went out every night to bars for fun. As the song goes..."looking for love in all the wrong places." I went to church on Christmas and Easter...maybe. I concentrated on my job and getting advanced education...for position and a bigger pay check.
That was my life. Hard work for position and money, hard fun for...love.... I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.
Lots of 'fun'. Lots of men. Two ruined marriages.
I remember one young man trying to share the gospel with me. He was a new Christian. One night shift when things were very quiet he asked me.."Are you a Christian?"' That question did not bother me. I answered what I felt in my heart, "Of course I am a Christian...I have been baptized."
He then tried to explain to me that being baptized was not the issue..."was I a Christian?" I didn't get it...I thought he was some kind of a religious nut...and let it go.
I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.
"During" reminds me to speak of what happened at the moments leading up to my salvation experience.
I was born again on Oct. 6, 1987. I had just arrived on the the island of Guam, on Sept. 1st, for duty as a Navy Nurse. I was in a very low valley of life. Going to a job I really did not want, to a place I did not want to go...and I had just received the final papers on a divorce that I did NOT want. Life was a mess....but God had a plan.
I arrived for duty, living in the Bachelor Officers Quarters...just 300 yards from the hospital itself....and about 200 yeards from the Navy Chapel. I arrived on a Friday and was bored on Sunday morning so I decided to go to the church service. I enjoyed it. A younger nurse asked me to join her on Tues night for the weekoly Bible Study....Hey...nothing to do on Tues night...ok.
The group was studying the Gospel of John and I really did enjoy it. I decided to go back every Tuesday (only if it did not interfere with my new social life!) Through that study I began to see God's love, and my sinful life. Several weeks into the study, October 6th to be exact, we were studying how the disciples and followers of Jesus deserted Him when He was arrested. I spoke up and said, "How could they do that? They all saw His miracles and saw that He was God! They ran and He still loved them!!"
One sweet lady spoke up and said, "Why Jeanne it is like our lives. God is there showing us His love and his miracles and we just don't get it. He keeps trying to get our attention but we just ignore Him. Its like Rev. 3:20 says...Behold I stand at the door and knock, If anyone hears my voice and opens that door, I will come into him.."
Each one of us has a different salvation experience. Each one has that one special moment in time when we are born again. THIS WAS MINE. When that woman spoke that verse it was as if a light came on in my spirit. An actual light. In that moment of time I knew that Jesus had always been trying to get my attention. As Lord and God Jesus loved me. I was a sinner and wanted to submit myself to Him forever. I wanted to be obedient and a Christ follower.
In a moment of time it happened to me. I was born again. Praise God life has never been the same!!
The following weekend I was baptized at the beach in Agana, Guam. This time it meant something. It did not save me. It did not usher me into heaven, but it was my public proclamation that Jesus is my Lord and Savior...and I am His.
My life has never been the same. I could fill thousands of typed lines telling how God has blessed me and USED me!!! He took such a sinner as I was and has honored me by directing me to teach the Word of God to other women. WOW!!!
They say that the Christian life is an adventure...and it is, if we will submit our wills to His. God does have a plan for each of us - if we will just submit to His will life is exciting. More that that...life is wonderful...KNOWING Him....TRUSTING Him!!!
God is the boss of my life....who is your boss??
I have been blessed to have been trained in the proper steps to give a testimony, and I have had a significant salvation experience that it is easy for me to tell the story. I know the exact moment in time that I was born again. I rejoice in the grace of the LORD, and His forgiveness.
The "mechanics" of a testimony??? It can be easy if you remember a three step outline:
I. Before - your life before you were saved
II. During - what happend at the point of being born again - an event, a time, etc...
III. After - How your life has changed since you were born again.
(I was trained to know that a good testimony only takes about five minutes to tell before people get bored. On paper I can go into more detail.)
I grew up in a "Christian" home. My parentes send us three girls to Sunday School every week. Sometimes they would attend church themselves...most of the time they just dropped us off. My mother seemed like the one who wanted us to be in church.
I have fond memories of Sunday School and the summer activities of church. I don't think they called it VBS the...way back in the 50's.
At the age of 11 I was baptized. My sisters, age 9 were baptized. I know now that, I can only speak for myself, it meant nothing. My mother wanted us baptized. I remember her having a heated discussion with our pastor that we three girls needed to be baptized. He did not seem to want us baptized. I didn't understand his objection then...now I do.
We were baptized because she wanted us baptized. I really didn't understand that I was a sinner in need of salvation. It meant nothing to us. Nothing more than a nice ceremony, getting dressed up in cute little white dresses, and having a family celebration afterward. I thought I was a Christian.
My mother died about a year later. We never went back to church again. BUT....
I thought I was a Christian all my life.
I thought I was a Christian by attending church on only Easter and Christmas.
I thought I was a Christian because I kept a Bible by my bed.
I thought I was a Christian because I loved God and knew who Jesus was.
I thought I was a Christian because I prayed when I needed something. I prayed when I was afraid, or when I saw something disturbing that I didn't understand in the world.
I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.
I became a nurse. I went to church to pray when I saw some terrible thing happen - a patient that was very ill - a terrible accident - someone disfigured. I remember seeing a man cut in half in an accident. He had a surgical procedure called a 'hemicorporectomy' - half body. Right after the surgery I left the operating room and went to the chapel and prayed. I remember being so sad for this man. I just didn't underestand the ugliness and horror that life could bring. I felt the need to pray. I was drawn to God in my need. I didn't underestand when this man died a few days later.
I thought I was a Christian while I sat in bars and was a 'wild women' in the 60"s. I thought I was being spiritual when I would wear a large, ornate crucifix around my neck as jewelry - while I went out every night to bars for fun. As the song goes..."looking for love in all the wrong places." I went to church on Christmas and Easter...maybe. I concentrated on my job and getting advanced education...for position and a bigger pay check.
That was my life. Hard work for position and money, hard fun for...love.... I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.
Lots of 'fun'. Lots of men. Two ruined marriages.
I remember one young man trying to share the gospel with me. He was a new Christian. One night shift when things were very quiet he asked me.."Are you a Christian?"' That question did not bother me. I answered what I felt in my heart, "Of course I am a Christian...I have been baptized."
He then tried to explain to me that being baptized was not the issue..."was I a Christian?" I didn't get it...I thought he was some kind of a religious nut...and let it go.
I thought I was a Christian because I had been baptized.
"During" reminds me to speak of what happened at the moments leading up to my salvation experience.
I was born again on Oct. 6, 1987. I had just arrived on the the island of Guam, on Sept. 1st, for duty as a Navy Nurse. I was in a very low valley of life. Going to a job I really did not want, to a place I did not want to go...and I had just received the final papers on a divorce that I did NOT want. Life was a mess....but God had a plan.
I arrived for duty, living in the Bachelor Officers Quarters...just 300 yards from the hospital itself....and about 200 yeards from the Navy Chapel. I arrived on a Friday and was bored on Sunday morning so I decided to go to the church service. I enjoyed it. A younger nurse asked me to join her on Tues night for the weekoly Bible Study....Hey...nothing to do on Tues night...ok.
The group was studying the Gospel of John and I really did enjoy it. I decided to go back every Tuesday (only if it did not interfere with my new social life!) Through that study I began to see God's love, and my sinful life. Several weeks into the study, October 6th to be exact, we were studying how the disciples and followers of Jesus deserted Him when He was arrested. I spoke up and said, "How could they do that? They all saw His miracles and saw that He was God! They ran and He still loved them!!"
One sweet lady spoke up and said, "Why Jeanne it is like our lives. God is there showing us His love and his miracles and we just don't get it. He keeps trying to get our attention but we just ignore Him. Its like Rev. 3:20 says...Behold I stand at the door and knock, If anyone hears my voice and opens that door, I will come into him.."
Each one of us has a different salvation experience. Each one has that one special moment in time when we are born again. THIS WAS MINE. When that woman spoke that verse it was as if a light came on in my spirit. An actual light. In that moment of time I knew that Jesus had always been trying to get my attention. As Lord and God Jesus loved me. I was a sinner and wanted to submit myself to Him forever. I wanted to be obedient and a Christ follower.
In a moment of time it happened to me. I was born again. Praise God life has never been the same!!
The following weekend I was baptized at the beach in Agana, Guam. This time it meant something. It did not save me. It did not usher me into heaven, but it was my public proclamation that Jesus is my Lord and Savior...and I am His.
My life has never been the same. I could fill thousands of typed lines telling how God has blessed me and USED me!!! He took such a sinner as I was and has honored me by directing me to teach the Word of God to other women. WOW!!!
They say that the Christian life is an adventure...and it is, if we will submit our wills to His. God does have a plan for each of us - if we will just submit to His will life is exciting. More that that...life is wonderful...KNOWING Him....TRUSTING Him!!!
God is the boss of my life....who is your boss??
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My Three Girls...and God...
My Adele, My Lisa, My Stacy, and MY GOD
Cancer. It is all around me.
Lost people. People that do not know of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus are all around me.
Lost people with cancer are all around me.
The last few weeks have been pretty amazing in my life. Pretty stressful, but pretty amazing. I have come to the understanding that God is at work in my life, using me in the life of others. I am unworthy, but it seems that God is directing my steps to pray for, get others to pray for, and to witness to a specific group of people with cancer that do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. Amazing.
Someone close to me was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer earlier this year. Lets call her Adele (for privacy reasons). She is beginning her fight against cancer. Weekly chemotherapy treatments. Fatigue. Loss of hair. God knows the number of her days.
My niece has been fighting Stage 4 breast cancer for six years. (Lets call her Lisa for privacy reasons) She is losing the fight. Today she has been admitted to a hospital for IV therapy to fight dehydration, and to help with pain relief. God knows the number of her days.
Stacy is my new friend, in fact, a stranger. I do not even know her last name, but God has put her in my path. She is a beautiful 40 year old woman who has Stage 4 bone cancer. Unless God intervenes she will probably die in a few months. The physicians have told her she has 2-3 months left to live. I met her during a visit to a hospital. This week she will be transferred to a hospice center. I have told her that only God knows the number of her days.
Adele, Lisa and Stacy with cancer. And my God. He is in control. He knows why these women are in my life
I too have had my brush with cancer. In the beginning….six years ago, a routine mammogram gave me the diagnosis of Stage 1 Breast Cancer. Months of radiation followed with bi yearly follow-ups with my physician, multiple repeat mammograms and of course, constant thoughts of possible recurrence. The cancer has not recurred, and I am cancer free. At least for today.
As I have thanked God daily for my ‘little breast cancer’ I knew sometime in the future I would be able to use my experience to the glory of God. I am seeing it now.
As I interact with "my three girls" I believe that one of the reasons that they listen to me is that they know that I am a cancer survivor and have some small idea of what they are going through, when others might not. Stage 1 Breast Cancer is a small price for me to pay so that I can witness to other women about the Lord Jesus Christ.
Adele. I have prayed for Adele very day since my life was changed, and I was born-again in October 1987. I have tried to discuss salvation with her on many occasions. I have sent her Scripture and tracts in the mail. Adele is a hard nut to crack and is pretty stubborn. She says that she knows Jesus in her heart and is going to heaven when she dies. Praise God!!! May she be right!!
My interaction with Adele is daily witness through living. She says she is praying everyday. We often talk about the power of God and how He is in control of her cancer. Any deeper discussions of salvation are met with a brush off. I pray that she does know the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior, and these interactions with me are just earthly, fleshly responses. I have had friends praying for Adele every day since October 1987. (Thank You God for faithful prayer warriors!)
Adele was with me when I went through my radiation. She attended most treatments with me. Now when she lets me I go with her. I want to be by her side and go with her to each treatment, but she says she prefers to go alone. (She has never come to the understanding that I need to go, I want to go to help, that it would be a blessing for me to help. No. She wants to be alone most of the time.)
God knows the number of Adele’s days.
Lisa. My sweet, beautiful niece. Never having a daughter, she is like my own. The last time I visited her in Montana she honored me by saying that in life she has had two mothers. I was one. When her mother could not go to be with her over the years, I could. Through the delivery of three sons, and months to follow, I could be with her when her mom was stuck in a job situation in California. Lisa is the daughter I never had.
Lisa was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer a few months after my own diagnosis. I often asked God…why do I have Stage 1, and sweet young Lisa have Stage 4, asking not in anger, but in curiosity…knowing that God has a plan for all of this.
Again with Lisa, as with Adele, because I had my own bout with breast cancer she knew that I somewhat knew what she was going through.
Does Lisa know the Lord Jesus? I hope so. I have had my friends praying for Lisa since October 1987. Several years before all the cancer started, when I was visiting with Lisa we did get to speak seriously about spiritual matters. We read through a gospel tract together and she prayed to receive Christ. God knows her heart.
Over the ‘cancer years’ I have brought up the subject many times…but with a rebuff from her. I have mailed dozens of tracts over the years. One with each card or letter. Maybe she has read some.
Only God knows the number of Lisa's days.....
(A later entry....) My Stacy. God brought her in my life…for her, and for an encouragement to me.
Stacy has cancer. Terminal cancer she told me.
We met by chance while I was sitting in the waiting room while Adele was receiving her three hour long chemotherapy. I was aware of the people around me on the ‘cancer floor.’ Thin, gaunt, people talking quietly with friends or loved ones. Able to leave their gray colored walls of their hospital rooms. Some with metal poles holding bags of various colored fluids draining into their veins.
People thought I was reading a book, but I was observing and praying. Praying for Adele and for those around me.
A tall beautiful, blond young woman sat down next to me. She was very thin, and looked a bit tired. She reminded me of my sweet LISA. I was drawn to her. She began the conversation, I don’t remember what she said, but it was a ‘divine’ appointment I am sure.
She pulled down the pink collar of the sweater she was wearing, and exposed her shoulder bone, misshaped by large tumors under the skin. Quite matter-of-factly she told me that the doctors had told her that she only had three months to live. She was a patient at the hospital for a few more days before she would be sent to a live in care center. She felt good enough today to get out and walk around the hospital…and meet me.
I asked her if she believed in God. When she responded with a “Yes.” I quickly got to the point, “Only God knows the number of your days. The doctors are not in control.” So began our discussion of salvation. She asked questions and we talked. When I began to discuss her making some kind of a commitment to God, she quickly changed the subject and asked if I would go with her to the cafeteria and get some ice cream.
For the next two hours we roamed the halls of the hospital. We ate at the cafeteria, we browsed at the gift shop, and we went outside and sat in the sunshine.
She seemed to tire and asked me to go back to her room with her. I got her tucked into bed and again spoke to her about Jesus. She asked me to go away, but to come back the next day to spend time with her.
So began my ‘mission’ for the next five days – going to the hospital to talk with Stacy about eternity and her relationship with Jesus. Each day she seemed more weak, and we never again left the room to walk the halls of the hospital. Her family always visited in the evenings, I visited in the mornings so we could have private time. Stacy seemed to enjoy my visits, and always asked me to come back.
I knew my time was running out with her. In two days she would be sent off and I would never see her again. On the forth day Stacy prayed.
She said she did want to make a commitment to the Lord, and repeated the prayer I prayed out loud with her. She was in much pain, and drifted off to sleep after our time together.
My next two visits with her were different. She was under heavy pain medication, but seemed glad to see me, drifted in and out of sleep….and always asked me to come back. I prayed over her each day with love and commitment as if she were my own, terminally ill niece.
I know that the hospital chaplain visited with her and prayed with her also. I saw several tracts that had been left on her bedside stand, beside the ones I always left with her. Praise God…Stacy was ‘getting it’ from several sources!!
The last day I came back her bed was empty. For one terrible moment I thought Stacy might have died. The nurse said she had been transferred a day ahead of schedule.
I never saw Stacy again.
God brought us together for a purpose. I pray with all my heart that she was sincere about her prayer to God, in belief and for eternal life. I do know that Stacy prayed. Only God knows her heart.
God brought her into my life as an encouragement and a balm to me to deal with the cancer all around me with Adele and Lisa. I knew in my spirit that because I had taken the time to share the Gospel with Stacy, that God would bring a stranger into the lives of Adele and Lisa to tell them what they would not listen when I spoke.
(An entry several months later.....) Lisa died in August. I do not know her spiritual condition, but I do know with all my heart that because I shared the gospel with Stacy, God sent someone to share the Gospel with her during the last days of her life. Only God knows her heart.
My Adele, my Lisa, my Stacy…and my God. God is so good. He loves Adele, Lisa and Stacy so much more than I ever could. He loves me too. God works all things for His glory. My interlude with Stacy was a divine appointment.
Thank You God in using me in a small way in Your plan to bring the offer of salvation to all people. Thank You for bringing me some comfort in my time of sorrow. Yes, I still shed tears over the death of Lisa, but I am comforted by my God and His great offer of salvation to all of us…to Adele, to Lisa, to Stacy and to me.
Cancer. It is all around me.
Lost people. People that do not know of the saving grace of our Lord Jesus are all around me.
Lost people with cancer are all around me.
The last few weeks have been pretty amazing in my life. Pretty stressful, but pretty amazing. I have come to the understanding that God is at work in my life, using me in the life of others. I am unworthy, but it seems that God is directing my steps to pray for, get others to pray for, and to witness to a specific group of people with cancer that do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. Amazing.
Someone close to me was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer earlier this year. Lets call her Adele (for privacy reasons). She is beginning her fight against cancer. Weekly chemotherapy treatments. Fatigue. Loss of hair. God knows the number of her days.
My niece has been fighting Stage 4 breast cancer for six years. (Lets call her Lisa for privacy reasons) She is losing the fight. Today she has been admitted to a hospital for IV therapy to fight dehydration, and to help with pain relief. God knows the number of her days.
Stacy is my new friend, in fact, a stranger. I do not even know her last name, but God has put her in my path. She is a beautiful 40 year old woman who has Stage 4 bone cancer. Unless God intervenes she will probably die in a few months. The physicians have told her she has 2-3 months left to live. I met her during a visit to a hospital. This week she will be transferred to a hospice center. I have told her that only God knows the number of her days.
Adele, Lisa and Stacy with cancer. And my God. He is in control. He knows why these women are in my life
I too have had my brush with cancer. In the beginning….six years ago, a routine mammogram gave me the diagnosis of Stage 1 Breast Cancer. Months of radiation followed with bi yearly follow-ups with my physician, multiple repeat mammograms and of course, constant thoughts of possible recurrence. The cancer has not recurred, and I am cancer free. At least for today.
As I have thanked God daily for my ‘little breast cancer’ I knew sometime in the future I would be able to use my experience to the glory of God. I am seeing it now.
As I interact with "my three girls" I believe that one of the reasons that they listen to me is that they know that I am a cancer survivor and have some small idea of what they are going through, when others might not. Stage 1 Breast Cancer is a small price for me to pay so that I can witness to other women about the Lord Jesus Christ.
Adele. I have prayed for Adele very day since my life was changed, and I was born-again in October 1987. I have tried to discuss salvation with her on many occasions. I have sent her Scripture and tracts in the mail. Adele is a hard nut to crack and is pretty stubborn. She says that she knows Jesus in her heart and is going to heaven when she dies. Praise God!!! May she be right!!
My interaction with Adele is daily witness through living. She says she is praying everyday. We often talk about the power of God and how He is in control of her cancer. Any deeper discussions of salvation are met with a brush off. I pray that she does know the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior, and these interactions with me are just earthly, fleshly responses. I have had friends praying for Adele every day since October 1987. (Thank You God for faithful prayer warriors!)
Adele was with me when I went through my radiation. She attended most treatments with me. Now when she lets me I go with her. I want to be by her side and go with her to each treatment, but she says she prefers to go alone. (She has never come to the understanding that I need to go, I want to go to help, that it would be a blessing for me to help. No. She wants to be alone most of the time.)
God knows the number of Adele’s days.
Lisa. My sweet, beautiful niece. Never having a daughter, she is like my own. The last time I visited her in Montana she honored me by saying that in life she has had two mothers. I was one. When her mother could not go to be with her over the years, I could. Through the delivery of three sons, and months to follow, I could be with her when her mom was stuck in a job situation in California. Lisa is the daughter I never had.
Lisa was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer a few months after my own diagnosis. I often asked God…why do I have Stage 1, and sweet young Lisa have Stage 4, asking not in anger, but in curiosity…knowing that God has a plan for all of this.
Again with Lisa, as with Adele, because I had my own bout with breast cancer she knew that I somewhat knew what she was going through.
Does Lisa know the Lord Jesus? I hope so. I have had my friends praying for Lisa since October 1987. Several years before all the cancer started, when I was visiting with Lisa we did get to speak seriously about spiritual matters. We read through a gospel tract together and she prayed to receive Christ. God knows her heart.
Over the ‘cancer years’ I have brought up the subject many times…but with a rebuff from her. I have mailed dozens of tracts over the years. One with each card or letter. Maybe she has read some.
Only God knows the number of Lisa's days.....
(A later entry....) My Stacy. God brought her in my life…for her, and for an encouragement to me.
Stacy has cancer. Terminal cancer she told me.
We met by chance while I was sitting in the waiting room while Adele was receiving her three hour long chemotherapy. I was aware of the people around me on the ‘cancer floor.’ Thin, gaunt, people talking quietly with friends or loved ones. Able to leave their gray colored walls of their hospital rooms. Some with metal poles holding bags of various colored fluids draining into their veins.
People thought I was reading a book, but I was observing and praying. Praying for Adele and for those around me.
A tall beautiful, blond young woman sat down next to me. She was very thin, and looked a bit tired. She reminded me of my sweet LISA. I was drawn to her. She began the conversation, I don’t remember what she said, but it was a ‘divine’ appointment I am sure.
She pulled down the pink collar of the sweater she was wearing, and exposed her shoulder bone, misshaped by large tumors under the skin. Quite matter-of-factly she told me that the doctors had told her that she only had three months to live. She was a patient at the hospital for a few more days before she would be sent to a live in care center. She felt good enough today to get out and walk around the hospital…and meet me.
I asked her if she believed in God. When she responded with a “Yes.” I quickly got to the point, “Only God knows the number of your days. The doctors are not in control.” So began our discussion of salvation. She asked questions and we talked. When I began to discuss her making some kind of a commitment to God, she quickly changed the subject and asked if I would go with her to the cafeteria and get some ice cream.
For the next two hours we roamed the halls of the hospital. We ate at the cafeteria, we browsed at the gift shop, and we went outside and sat in the sunshine.
She seemed to tire and asked me to go back to her room with her. I got her tucked into bed and again spoke to her about Jesus. She asked me to go away, but to come back the next day to spend time with her.
So began my ‘mission’ for the next five days – going to the hospital to talk with Stacy about eternity and her relationship with Jesus. Each day she seemed more weak, and we never again left the room to walk the halls of the hospital. Her family always visited in the evenings, I visited in the mornings so we could have private time. Stacy seemed to enjoy my visits, and always asked me to come back.
I knew my time was running out with her. In two days she would be sent off and I would never see her again. On the forth day Stacy prayed.
She said she did want to make a commitment to the Lord, and repeated the prayer I prayed out loud with her. She was in much pain, and drifted off to sleep after our time together.
My next two visits with her were different. She was under heavy pain medication, but seemed glad to see me, drifted in and out of sleep….and always asked me to come back. I prayed over her each day with love and commitment as if she were my own, terminally ill niece.
I know that the hospital chaplain visited with her and prayed with her also. I saw several tracts that had been left on her bedside stand, beside the ones I always left with her. Praise God…Stacy was ‘getting it’ from several sources!!
The last day I came back her bed was empty. For one terrible moment I thought Stacy might have died. The nurse said she had been transferred a day ahead of schedule.
I never saw Stacy again.
God brought us together for a purpose. I pray with all my heart that she was sincere about her prayer to God, in belief and for eternal life. I do know that Stacy prayed. Only God knows her heart.
God brought her into my life as an encouragement and a balm to me to deal with the cancer all around me with Adele and Lisa. I knew in my spirit that because I had taken the time to share the Gospel with Stacy, that God would bring a stranger into the lives of Adele and Lisa to tell them what they would not listen when I spoke.
(An entry several months later.....) Lisa died in August. I do not know her spiritual condition, but I do know with all my heart that because I shared the gospel with Stacy, God sent someone to share the Gospel with her during the last days of her life. Only God knows her heart.
My Adele, my Lisa, my Stacy…and my God. God is so good. He loves Adele, Lisa and Stacy so much more than I ever could. He loves me too. God works all things for His glory. My interlude with Stacy was a divine appointment.
Thank You God in using me in a small way in Your plan to bring the offer of salvation to all people. Thank You for bringing me some comfort in my time of sorrow. Yes, I still shed tears over the death of Lisa, but I am comforted by my God and His great offer of salvation to all of us…to Adele, to Lisa, to Stacy and to me.
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